Dass die Hinterleute glauben, dass ihnen diese Sabotage irgendwas bringt, zeigt wie schlecht deren Infrastruktur, Lage und deren geistiges Niveau ist.
Eigentlich kann man ja einfach sagen "Ist gelogen." Hat ja ein ähnlich solides Fundament wie die Lüge.
Sivesternacht lol. Hier böllern sie schon seit dem Mittag.
Bin für Rücknahme der CSU
I haven't seen EU politicians in media in over 10 years.
I personally hope, it was indecent exposure.
You should calculate how many hours you work for him. Maybe you could actually do this as a real job and earn a living wage.
Wie jetzt immer halt 😔
That's because EU citizens started to hate China and has nothing to do with the CIA. We see what China does, e.g. threatening neighbouring countries at sea, pressuring Taiwan, putting people like the Uyghurs in what looks a lot like concentration camps, etc.. Most EU citizens want to cut all ties with China, so we won't be responsible for all the evil they do.
It's very old. More than one year, AFAIK. You could try to reverse image search the thumbnail. (on tineye or so)
If you're not registered (which is free for non-business use) the GUI softwate updater may tease you with extra security patches you won't get.
are you okay?