it's hard to block google these days as their recaptcha is gaining popularity
It used to not be bullying but protecting. I have relatives living on an island nation with a military that's ridiculously small. They wouldn't be able to resist any attack, but they felt safe, because they have big military vessels of allied nations in their port almost all year. It's the perfect last stop to pick up supplies and refuel before embarking to long distances. They trust their allies will defend them in case of an attack, so they can keep using the port for strategic reasons.
What are the other classes? Monk, warrior, paladin, wizard and rogue?
Meine Lieferung Bad-Dragon-Dildos UwU
Krieg kann theoretisch auch mit wenigen Attentaten oder extremer Abschreckung beendet werden.
He doesn't have to, but it's a kind gesture and is good for publicity.
Hat wohl versehentlich seinen Schneider abschieben lassen.
steel toe heavy duty bunny slippers 🤪
In my experience, women rejuvenate men (or maybe it's all romantic partnerships idk). If it's with her, suddenly long walks or sports are back on the table. It can get their spirits up and even change their political views to a degree. Like from doomer to socialist hippy in a month. Nothing turns a man anarchist quicker than being in a romantic relationship with a punk.
"If you go there again, we want 50% of Guyanas rare minerals. They have no cards." /s