
joined 1 year ago
[–] lurch 5 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 52 minutes ago)

"If you go there again, we want 50% of Guyanas rare minerals. They have no cards." /s

[–] lurch 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

it's hard to block google these days as their recaptcha is gaining popularity

[–] lurch 11 points 16 hours ago

It used to not be bullying but protecting. I have relatives living on an island nation with a military that's ridiculously small. They wouldn't be able to resist any attack, but they felt safe, because they have big military vessels of allied nations in their port almost all year. It's the perfect last stop to pick up supplies and refuel before embarking to long distances. They trust their allies will defend them in case of an attack, so they can keep using the port for strategic reasons.

[–] lurch 2 points 1 day ago

What are the other classes? Monk, warrior, paladin, wizard and rogue?

[–] lurch 3 points 1 day ago

Meine Lieferung Bad-Dragon-Dildos UwU


[–] lurch 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Krieg kann theoretisch auch mit wenigen Attentaten oder extremer Abschreckung beendet werden.

[–] lurch 72 points 1 day ago (2 children)
[–] lurch 47 points 1 day ago (1 children)

He doesn't have to, but it's a kind gesture and is good for publicity.

[–] lurch 9 points 1 day ago

Hat wohl versehentlich seinen Schneider abschieben lassen.

[–] lurch 10 points 1 day ago

steel toe heavy duty bunny slippers 🤪

[–] lurch 1 points 1 day ago

In my experience, women rejuvenate men (or maybe it's all romantic partnerships idk). If it's with her, suddenly long walks or sports are back on the table. It can get their spirits up and even change their political views to a degree. Like from doomer to socialist hippy in a month. Nothing turns a man anarchist quicker than being in a romantic relationship with a punk.

Light Speed News (
submitted 1 week ago by lurch to c/[email protected]

Slowpoke meme captioned: Astronomers be like: we have 10 mio year old news for you

ich🩹iel (
submitted 2 weeks ago by lurch to c/[email protected]

Meme: Mann, der einen riesigen Riss in der Wand mit einen zu kleinen Klebestreifen zusammenklebt; beschriftet: Wie ich das Logo der Akkus im Ladegerät nach vorn drehe, um so zu tun als wäre mein Leben in Ordnung

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by lurch to c/[email protected]

I was at work, but the workplace wasn't like IRL, but it was like a zoo with animal enclosures, but all my IRL coworkers were working there as well. We didn't do what we do IRL, but we did animal behavioral studies instead.

So I was in the inside part of an elephant enclosure. Everything was three dimensional, but somehow the male elephant to my left and me were kinda moving 2D like in an old Donkey Kong arcade game. Somehow I suddenly realized the elephant was horny for me and I had to leave the enclosure. I 2D moved to the right where there was a steel beam, then downwards, then to the left, where an exit door was. The elephant first went to the steel beam and got on his hind legs, putting his front legs against the steel beam. Then it went down as well, followed me, but layed down on it's belly. I remarked they rarely do that in nature. A few coworkers by the open door agreed. A female coworker Lina (name changed) decided the elephant was sad now and went and gave it a hug, but in that moment its eyes kinda twinkeld and it kinda evil smiled, then rolled over the hugging coworker four times back and forth, breaking all bones in her limbs but no blood. I kinda peeled her off of it, cradled her motionless body in my arms and hurried to the parking lot.

It was sundown. Everything was in a yellowish light. Two coworkers were near one of their cars. One was smoking a cigarette. The car was a white small two door car with a blue and black racing stripe over the top. They were joking and chatting until I arrived. I said "Randy (name changed), you were a rally driver in the past. Can you drive us to the hospital?" Worried, he opened the passenger door and moved the seat forward, so we could get on the back seat. Randy cared a lot for the injured Lina, so he punched it, ignoring some traffic laws.

During the drive it became night and the traffic began to jam a bit, but he drove aggresively turning over parking spots to weasel thru.

Sometimes, when I looked down on Lina in my arms, she was an upscaled returnable water bottle about 300% in size with a blue silver label and her head was a red bottle cap dangling on my elbow, losely atrached to the bottle by a strand of red plastic and a ring, but sometimes she was human again. Then we reached the hospital where I got out and put her on a stretcher and they rolled her off to be treated.

Then I woke up.


I was going through a school like corridor on my way to an aniversery company meeting in a room like a big classroom. Colleagues I didn't look at walked woth me. The meeting was soon to start and they were talking about it excitedly. As I was in the door of the meeting room, I noticed a line of youths, mostly girls waiting at another door of the room that led to a bathroom. They needed to pee urgently and acted as such. Suddenly I felt I should go to the bathroom as well, but not this one. The queue was too long. I turned around to go to another bathroom. Behind me colleagues remindet me to hurry as the meeting was about to start. I sped down a set of conrete stairs in a well lit area. It led to the center of a big busy train station. I looked up at some signs giving directions. None of them said WC, but one showed something I knew led to a WC. I turned left to go there. A girl rushing by in a coat dropped a white plastic bag. I picked it up. I felt it had small solid pieces like tiny eggs in it, but I didn't look. Instead I shouted something to get her attention and waved. She saw me over a glass counter of an empty food stand. I waved the bag going over to her. I gave it to her. She thanked me. We were next to an exit. I went outside. Suddenly I was in a supermarket mostly for drinks. A girl next to me said "I'm late. My teachers gonna be sooo pissed." I said "Me too." She laughed pushing a trolley with colorful kegs in plastic wrapping. We went quickly through isles of drinks and kegs on pallets in red and purple plastic wrapping in a straight line. A carton in Kinder chocolate colors containing cake caught my eye. The girl said, i must try a bar of chocolate with lots of cream in the mix. I declined there was a wall with colorful magazines in front of us and daylight from the left indicated an exit. I went towards it climbing above palkets of blue painted kegs in red plastic wrapping in a hurry. I woke up.


I saw this funny code block I linked, but it's missing a dollar sign when viewed in Sync.

I don't even know where to report bugs and if its github I won't because github is becoming cancer and i deleted my account.

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