
joined 2 years ago
[–] andrew_bidlaw 19 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I wish him getting frequently egged in public.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 3 points 3 weeks ago

Better safe than fucked up so check in with a psychologist.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 1 points 3 weeks ago

I hope EU and US takes notes, because that's what you get if you slash all education, pump up nationalistic bubble and live your population in such misery their men can as well sell themselves for $30000 and gamble on their survival, or do that on pure enthusiasm. The rightwing campaign to co-opt the problems of white youth would inescapably lead to something like that in a couple of turns and with enough pressure. Thus there would be another country joining the humanity's war on extinction on the side of extinction.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 8 points 3 weeks ago

undiscernible blurping from the likes of Vance

Zee: Thanks, I guess? So much for the global superpower.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 5 points 3 weeks ago

We've seen Mad Max, but what about Reasonable Max, Supply-Side Max or even Opportunistic Max? Or, in this particular case, Grimes-please-call-me Max? That's a whole different story.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 10 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Watching that inteview and remembering the first Zelensky's adresses to his and even my russian people early in the war, I was pretty occupied with an idea of how these two numbheads would be good punching bags once I put a trash bag on them and use a duct tape to ensure their breath doesn't leave it, and hitting them repatedly with a fist or some blunt and heavy object. I don't usually accept or encourage violence, but I felt lost watching this shit piece of negotiations and also very, morbidly angry. I couldn't avoid thinking of going physical with them and it probably took a year and a half from Zelensky's tired neurons to keep himself contained until the meeting ended. I'm pretty sure he kicked something after leaving it. I'm sure I would've if I has been him.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 3 points 3 weeks ago

To add, if you didn't know that, Zelensky and Putin are both Vovas, but the start of their names are spelled a bit different, Volodymyr vs Vladimir, volo vs vla, following ukrainian and russian takes at the same root name. The thing that doesn't make sense tho is that the end of their names, dymyr\dimir is spelled exactly the same, and is not a marker of dialects, but rather Putin having an old soviet-like transliteration of a slavic name while Zelensky has a more modern one that follows the actual way it's spelled. A probable reason for why the old version is like that is that russian and ukrainian have their У sounding very different to English Y, like 'ugh', and using 'I' avoided such association. I'm not a linguist at all, so take it with a grain of salt.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 9 points 3 weeks ago

If only we all could.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

In the 90s media were completely uncut though, especially their coverage of the first Chechen war. Some openly satyrized Yeltsin and he was kinda ok with it. Toying the line started with overtaking НТВ under Putin, the major divide between pro and anti-state stances and publications then happened around demonstrations in early 2010s, and in the end of the decade the latter started to be pushed out until ouright bans and suppression in 2022-.

There were, like, some guidelines, but when coffins of young boys started to arrive in droves and people protested against the war, print media was there to cover it, and this better-to-be-forgotten page of our history is now set in stone and I occasionally see publications from that period, no way to purge them all. Compare it to today, when mothers' union not against war, but for better treatment of their sons got quietly put down, and the existing media are just a surrogate tightly governed by statesmen.

On the initial question about Yeltsin vs Trump, it's hard for me to compare them for their context is inescapably different. Boris was, like, the first real elected pres, and a populist at that, and while Trump is tasked with just not fucking things too much, Yeltsin took a wheel in a harsh transitional period. And as two populists they share a lot of what makes their public image. But, call it naive and biased, Yeltsin sounded humble and honest when he talked about what he does, like he believed in it. It felt like he cared, but was a wrong person to be there from the very start, and drunk himself to death some eight years after passing the wheel to Putin being still influenced by that. With Don getting prezzed in after neolibs Obama then Biden and actually doing worse than if he did nothing at all, with empty waving like with the wall on the Mexican border, I perceive him significantly worse, more dishonest than Boris. Even knowing now that two were deeply pocketed by oligarchs (first time, eh?), I'm still find some sympathy towards our drunkie and find some personality and struggle within him, that I can't say I see in Trump.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 3 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

IIRC Vivaldi and Brave promised to prolong it for a year.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 4 points 4 weeks ago

Oh, look, another billionaire not knowing how to contain his excitement.

[–] andrew_bidlaw 1 points 4 weeks ago

Firstborns are on the menu, yum.


I'm OOTL on both Win11 and Intel's discrete gfx, and I wasn't there to see the drop myself, so I just retell you what onlookers've seen at the moment it crashed hard. It boots ok right now, so I can do every possible check. I just lack experience with both this system and this brand of vcards. I'm 100% sure some Lemmimgs have expertise in that and maybe even encountered that.

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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by andrew_bidlaw to c/[email protected]

As I had no experience with Valve's products, but rather ps4-5 knock-offs, I want them to have one or two scrollwheels with a sensory feedback in the future.

Switching radio stations like in old timea, adjusting your cam's focus in Outlast-likes, rolling the roulette while gambling in some Yakuza game, switching your equipment in some stealth game - it can certainly has it uses if it wasn't too weird.

But what idea or part would you like to add to generic controllers and schemes if you had an authority over that one an you had studios to follow this quirk?


Maybe it's something in UI, but many times I watch pictures (not even videos, they are their own can of worms), and want to save them, it shows me that I'm downloading them again although they are cached in whatever app I see them from.

Like this link with a happy dog:

I see it in high rez in my browser, I can zoom in, and I can't tell any difference from a copy that I can download, but it's still, well, another download if I want to save it, and not a move from cache to my download folder, another request to the server, another waste of traffic.

Is there some rule of sandboxing for everything you load that I don't know about? In cases like our fediverse, I wouldn't like to cause double load when I already have the picture I want. Can I cut it down with some plugin in mobile Firefox?

I feel like I'm missing something big time.

  1. That's how we sometimes introduce first-timers (usually kids) to the idea of riding, it's easier to balance especially in the taffic jams and isn't as dangerous for first-timers;
  2. The space between and over two back wheels may be used for a motor, a battery and a place to put your luggage on.
  3. They have a good marketable slogan already in the name, as they are Try-cycles.

You just need to design it to cool and\or professional so the rider won't be afraid of looking like a kid or a clown.

Pro and con: it's width is way more than that of a bycicle, but at the same time it gives a bit of wiggle space for your feet.


The title.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by andrew_bidlaw to c/[email protected]

As I plan to clock in on Saturday to fill in some gaps I have missed before (all paid, thankfully) I don't need to wake up as early as I do all week and I don't need to hurry in the morning for there's no one to watch over me coming at the right time this day, but a convinience of a bus that goes on a fixed timetable, my trust in it, makes me consider repeating my daily routine anyway.

It's so easy to follow the script instead of thinking how and when to commute if I choose to arrive later. The amount of work stays the same either way, so even if I deny myself a longer weekend sleep and comfort, I'd have more time at my hands when I finish. Sounds like a good comrpomise.

Taking this route, I can ease my head a bit and instead think about what I can do at work while being that early and alone. Listening to podcasts from my phone's speaker, not headphones, may be one way, let it be something that could usually rise some brows like gritty true crime on English (no one speaks it there). Skipping my regular morning food prep and having either fast noodles or some simple non-McD take out for a dinner can be another way to make it lazier and less formal.

There'd be my condradictory attempt at showing to myself that I don't belong there today and can do anything... while working on Saturday from the office. It's fun to recognize that, and that's fun that I can't really imagine anything else less dull to spice it up that I myself would want, but that's really the most fun I need to have there. It's my work after all, and I don't want to spend more time than needed to finish it, and after having some thoughts about how boring I actually am, I find that I therefore waste less time on unnecessary 'fun' and would instead be free by noon if I'm lucky.

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