MILF Manor?
The Onion
The Onion
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You inspired me to check and apparently it's actually a real thing (Wikipedia link) with 2 seasons too.
*clicks link *
From the wikipedia:
The show currently has a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes,[41] where critics describe it as "psychological torture" and "Freudian Horror".
Eight pairs of mothers and sons travel to a villa in Mexico to look for love. Upon arrival, the contestants are told that the sixteen contestants were to romantically pursue each other. The announcement is a surprise to the contestants; one contestant, April, stated that she thought her son would be on a separate retreat instead of in her dating pool
Checks out 🤮
The second season takes place in a lakefront chalet and instead features the younger men competing against their own fathers for the same pool of women.
Someone needs to go to prison for coming up with this premise
Holy shit. I'd actually heard of this before and thought it was one of those fake reality shows you see on TV shows like 30 Rock 😄
But that basically was a fake show on 30 Rock: “MILF Island” showed up in season 2 episode 11.
Oooohhhh, its a Step-MILF manor, now I get it.
Each mother-son pair shares a room. In the second episode, the contestants guess each other's deepest sex secrets, and one of the women reveals that she has had sex with her son's best friend.
Ok I can kinda see the draw. Trainwrecks are pretty interesting
Is it just me or is the woman in the blue dress missing a leg?
Huh, I see it too. Not sure I'm willing to do further investigation though.
~~How did they kno..~~ uh, I mean n-n-no, t-t-that's not the video I was watching!
Go away! Baitin'!
Is this a first in history: a true Onion article that could be posted in !nottheonion? 🤣 😭
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Wait, I'm trying to keep up here. So FoxNews is not a news network, but Onion satire is just straight facts?
For the love of all, please stop trying to fix this timeline! You're only making it worse!
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
I’m not shrugging, but that’s partly because I fell and wrecked my shoulder last week
Also, and mostly, because I’m celebrating
Today had been a day of celebration for me.
Only shrug I'm doing is during my slick happy dances