
joined 2 years ago
[–] Varyk 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

" mean"


"...Europe is likely to have a higher average cost of living yhan the US"

it definitely doesn't; the average European cost of living is much lower than in the US, especially in the context of traveling.

[–] Varyk 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 23 minutes ago)

If you're a native English speaker, the easiest thing to start teaching is English.

fundamental English for primary students, the school provides the curriculum, some training and an assistant in the classroom.

Teaching English doesn't require any sort of credentials, although I recommend getting an accredited tefl certificate because they last for life and instantly boost your pay by 20% or more, as well as giving you some baseline information about teaching english.

dozens of countries want you to go teach English, english is a very in demand skill.

China has literally thousands of job listings by itself. Pretty much every other country in Asia, Africa, and Europe that is not primarily English speaking is looking for English teachers.

it really would be easier to list the countries that are not looking for English teachers.

there are dozens of countries, hundreds of websites and thousands of jobs waiting for an English teacher right now.

and the cost of living is so much lower that there will be instant financial relief.

check out the comments I wrote to the other people asking how teaching works in this post, I go in to a little more detail.

and feel free to ask me more questions.

[–] Varyk 1 points 9 hours ago

I'm confused by this title and like kumail.

[–] Varyk 2 points 10 hours ago

there are dozens of apps you can use to teach English online, or join a school and just use Skype or whatever video conferencing app they ask you to use to conduct class.

popular apps are cambly, Palfish, hang on... these are some common English teaching apps:

[–] Varyk 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (2 children)

"...imagine that’s easier said than done"

Not much! A native accent is all I had at the start, and the same goes for plenty of teachers.

You can get a TEFL(teaching english as a foreign language) certificate, it's several online PDF tests, culminates in an internationally accredited teaching certificate, useful and I recommend it, but not necessary to start teaching in most countries.

As for the practical side of one "learning to teach", you'll mostly be teaching children, so the material itself will be fundamental.

you will be given the curriculum that the school you join uses, let's say in that curriculum there are 50 lessons for each grade, one big textbook per grade for you to read from.

The school will let you sit in on a couple lessons with current teachers and ask current teachers how they present the material, and after watching them teach a couple times, you do a similar thing in front of 5-8 kids at a private school, 20-30 in a public school.

In effect, a rough lesson plan for the day is: 10 minutes of vocabulary(speak and repeat), 10 minutes of sentence exercises, 5-10 minute break, 10 minutes of vocabulary, 10 minutes of exercises or a ten minute activity.

You'll have an assistant in the classroom to corral the children, so your responsibility for the day is reading the material in "grade 2 lesson 5", asking the kids to repeat, and following the above class schedule. The next lesson, "grade 2 lesson 6" and so on.

Teaching 25 hours a week on average.

Dress clean, stay sober for classes, don't hurt the kids.

In China, they pay $2500 starting plus signing bonuses and benefits according to the school; it costs about $500 a month to live in China if you have to pay for rent(schools provide housing sometimes), save money, boot's off your neck, go from there.

Oh, i forgot about remote teaching. That, you just download an app, connect your payment option, repeat vocabulary to kids for 30 minutes to an hour at a time, direct deposit each class or whatever the payment period that app or school provides is.

[–] Varyk 8 points 13 hours ago

thanks, happy eid back at you.

[–] Varyk 14 points 13 hours ago (7 children)

If you are a native English speaker, you can teach online remotely from anywhere or in person in dozens of countries.

Even teaching 10 hours a week is going to give you enough money for the extremely low cost of living abroad.

If you want specifics or further alternatives, ask away. I've been traveling for a long time.

[–] Varyk 1 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

leave that POS country.

If you are a native English speaker, you can teach online remotely from anywhere or in person in dozens of countries.

Even teaching 10 hours a week is going to give you enough money for the extremely low cost of living abroad.

If you want specifics or further alternatives, ask away. I've been traveling for a long time.

[–] Varyk 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

"i want help..."

Sounds like you need help, rather than want it.

But please stop begging me.

[–] Varyk 1 points 13 hours ago

"Due to millennia of evolutionary selection."

You got that pathetic so much quicker, congrats!

"Unfortunately for you i just look like a better person than you."

You are talking about fucking children. You look like a pedophile.

[–] Varyk 2 points 1 day ago

usually water, but a varied flight of microbrews never hurts.

[–] Varyk 2 points 1 day ago

got it, thank you for all the concise points.


in the preview I can see them under the post, I've added share and save, but on the actual posts in the feed on any layout, share and save are not in the quick action bar.

do I have to enable something else also?



I know they make weird icons sometimes, but what does this one represent?


this is bumscratcher; beef curtains is one of her other songs.

all very new material, pretending to be a 60s lounge singer, does anyone know anything about cassey or unhinged records?


Is this what this community is for?


I remember having the toy, but I don't know what the broad plot is for Digimon.

like for Pokémon, there's a kid who wants to be the best and collect them all.

what's the Digimon story?

should I be reading the manga or watching the anime or what's like the canon storyline?

Step counter freezing (self.walkscape)
submitted 1 month ago by Varyk to c/[email protected]

In a flash turnaround, I have now experienced the step counter malfunctioning on two different days.

I couldn't figure out what did it a few days ago where I ended up with only 3,000 steps after about 2 hours of walking around, but just now I clicked on the Green character tab to check my total step count so far, but it wasn't updating, then when I tapped the purple activity tab, that had stopped updating as well and I was stuck on 22 remaining steps for an activity for hundreds of steps after that.

I restarted the app and was able to recreate that same problem by clicking on the green green character tab and then the purple activity tab.

since I usually don't click directly over to the character tab with the green bittom button, i tend to swioe over instead, I'm wondering if it's some bug with that.


a great video I rewatched recently.


I really liked the original movie, I'm not interested at all in the live action, but there seem to be so many anime tv shows and movies that I'm at a loss where to start except hopping through chronologically by production.

I'd like to avoid repeats, so I don't really care about ovas.

I watched the original, I want to continue that story, but I have no idea if that's how the story goes in all the subsequent productions I'm seeing.

so please without spoiling anything, explain which path I should take.


there are multiple groundbreaking things in here, absolutely amazing article and extremely inspiring news.


I'm regularly very organized, so actually having all of this stuff in the bank is causing me anxiety and I'm going to be very happy to clear it all out.

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