
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Didn't Subsistance have a 360 degree third person camera or am I misremembering?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Hack the Planet!

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago

I got this!

Grab me a Sharpie! Stat!!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

It's so we can fully utilize all our Freedom!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

It's about the enlightenment of all of us one by one, my Lemming.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I think a lot of us are just wondering when the entire mask will come off, and hoping it's not after he gets elected.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago

That's dope. It's rare to get through to people like that.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You're asking if there are others on Lemmy without your perception and understanding of the world?

I think this might be a "sit down" talk...

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Back in late 2022 I was in an argument with my (adult) nephew about how the government isn't limiting free speech on Twitter. I was explaining how "the free market" is deciding whether Elon will sink or swim. He just could not understand how the government -wasn't- responsible.


(Yes, there were some Governmental take down requests, but none of them seemed very sus to me)

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Christian candidate is being pretty antisancuary.

Reminds me of the story of how Jesus ordered the Roman military to attack -his- scapegoats!

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

What has this Nation become..?

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Is there any proof? This sounds almost too awful to be true...


Basically, it's a calculator that can take letters, numbers, words, sentences, and so on as input.

And produce a mathematically "correct" sounding output, defined by language patterns in the training data.

This core concept is in most if not all "AI" models, not just LLMs, I think.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think I need to rephrase the question. I'll post again in a few days.

The replies so far have generally been very polite, given the subject. I was nervous about that. Thanks everyone!

... Hear me out, okay?

Back in 2000 I took my first solo, out of state trip, to meet an online friend. When I got off the bus, she greeted me, and let me know that we had to go stop by her friends house on the way back.

She was Wiccan and needed some Spiritual guidance because the night before she saw a black portal open up in the corner of her room that was giving her really bad vibes.

It wasn't my thing, but I never discounted it. Maybe it was real, and if nothing else it's just how her mind is rationalizing things.

But I guess my question is: Does the Scientific Method rule out the possibility that a "real" portal appeared in her room?

Taking wave function probability into account and the absense of data from the room, is it fair to say that the scientific method doesn't rule out the black portal being real?

Looking for black and white answers if possible, but I'd also love to hear your reasoning~

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think I need to rephrase the question. I'll post again in a few days.

The replies so far have generally been very polite, given the subject. I was nervous about that. Thanks everyone!

... Hear me out, okay?

Back in 2000 I took my first solo, out of state trip, to meet an online friend. When I got off the bus, she greeted me, and let me know that we had to go stop by her friends house on the way back.

She was Wiccan and needed some Spiritual guidance because the night before she saw a black portal open up in the corner of her room that was giving her really bad vibes.

It wasn't my thing, but I never discounted it. Maybe it was real, and if nothing else it's just how her mind is rationalizing things.

But I guess my question is: Does the Scientific Method rule out the possibility that a "real" portal appeared in her room?

Taking wave function probability into account and the absense of data from the room, is it fair to say that the scientific method doesn't rule out the black portal being real?

Looking for black and white answers if possible, but I'd also love to hear your reasoning~


Currently I'm using #, but it causes issues with certain applications.


#Top Folder
New Folder

Currently using mostly Windows, but trying to transition to Linux, so a solution that works for both would be perfect.

Thanks, Lemmy!


Weird prompt, I know. It's a reference to some misheard song lyrics.

I liked the results, though!


submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This information is purposefully condensed. It's my goal to get my ideas out in the most clear, concise way possible.

...I'm still working on it, lol. Think of it as a list of "Bullet Paragraphs."

That being said; Please try to take it at face value and let me know if it resonates with you.

Would love to hear from anyone who disagrees, too!


Ask Why. Often. If you need to, start with answers you know. Be willing to admit when you get it wrong, Be willing to learn from it. Work on staying rational when emotions rise, While also giving them the space they deserve.

Why is very helpful in relationships, too, Just be mindful of boundaries.

Why isn't a question, it's a path. It can be overgrown and hard to see sometimes, but as long as you remember to come back and check now and then, you'll always find it again. And whenever it feels like you've reached the end, there's probably a little more still ahead.

Sometimes, you'll come to an answer that feels right, and later find out you're wrong. If you're able to admit it, you'll still learn from it. Be willing to update your worldview, or maybe just your place in it.

If you don't know where where to start or what to ask, just start with going through the Why that you already know. Journaling is a huge help with this part, but just mentally working through it is great, too.

You might ask something like "Why do I get sad so quickly?" or "Why do I feel lonely?" Keep going until it feels like time to stop, or when you get stuck. Set it down for now, so you can come back later.

If you are able to rationalize and accept why things happened while accepting and feeling the emotional pain when it rises, you can work to heal wounds while staying more emotionally regulated.

The trick here is learning to give the pain the space it deserves, while leaving your rational mind in control to "sort the baggage." It may be difficult at first, but it comes with practice.

Why is amazing when aimed inward, but it can be just as helpful aimed outward: When those close to you are struggling, trying to really understand Why can be a great help to them and may strengthen the relationship as long as boundaries are respected.

This can be applied to many other mental health related situations, too, not just trauma.


This is my jam 😎


[Disclaimer: I am not a licened anything, except a class D Driver, and definitelty not a mental health professional.

The information below involves a theory that could be considered "Brainhacking."

It's a very powerful tool and should be used with informed intent. If you're able, using this method with the advice of a licenced therapist is highly recommended.

If you are not able to do that, you can and should teach yourself about mental emotional health as you engage with this theory, and be willing to update your beliefs.

Self help is popular at the moment and there are a lot of free resources out there. Social media can actually be really helpful with this, but you have to vet your sources.

I can't tell you how to vet, because I don't know. I'm self taught. I can give some recommendations, though, if anyone asks.

The more you learn, the more BS you'll be able to smell.

Just dig.]

With that said... It's possible to build your sense of autonomy by building up your ability to make informed, intentional decisions.

Most people already do this, I know.

This is about how to build it from scratch if you need to, or strengthen what you already have.

If you share this information anywhere, I ask that you share it in it's entirety. Full context is very important.

And lastly; This is a first draft. Feedback and constructive criticism is encouraged.

This guide came out of a reply to a comment on my post about Doomer Nihilists.

The post:

Which I also posted here:

The comment:

I hope you're never able to understand. Depression changes not just how you feel but the ways you can feel. The people you're frustrated with literally can't be positive in the same way you can.

My reply:

I'm certain that I won't.

That being said... I've been suffering from Chronic Depression from the age of 12. I'm in my 40's now.

I'll spare you the life story, but after a particularly turbulent ~4 years between 2016 and 2020 (completely unrelated to politics, oddly enough given the range.), I "Woke up" and started to examine the world around me as if I was new here.

During the pandemic, I began to realize that I had to understand the division and rise of authoritarianism going on in the world right now to get over pretty severe cognitive dissonance. It led me to realizing how someone can live in their own reality bubble, and understanding how that bubble gets created.

When you can present someone a black and white fact, and they deny or evade, at a base level in their mind, it is a conscious choice. A choice between evade, deny, and accept. The part of your brain that makes that choice is essentially a root level decision maker.

By utilizing that same part of the mind purposefully and rationally, you can greatly increase your sense of autononomy.

In the context of depression...

Taking back your autonomy aside from but along with healing your depression is possible.

It seems impossible because the depression is taking so much of your mental energy, you haven't been able to really use this part of your mind, and it has likely atrophied.

As you build it back up it will help you take more purposeful steps toward healing.

And to your last statement... Yeah... you can. I promise. Not instantly, but incrementally. It literally starts with making one decision. One decision over and over until it sticks. After that you move on to the next, and the next, and so on.

If you still think it's impossible, ask yourself this question and be honest with the answer:

"Am I ready to heal -yet?-"

If the answer is no, nothing can help. You gotta flip that switch. -You- gotta figure that one out.

It never fully heals, and it may wax and wane, but better is possible.

[My reply ends there, but I will continue here with the hypothetical question...]


You have two separate and distinct minds in your head.

[CGP Grey - You Are Two] ~5m

And you can learn to use them separately.

This is one place where it's different for everyone. I imagine it will be easier for some and harder for others, but I'll do my best to get it started:

If you've ever had a gut feeling or heard you conscious, that's your left brain. It's the logical voice on your shoulder when a devil's on the other.

Start using that side of your brain to make decisions. Maybe purposefully choose to do something outside your routine or comfort zone. Small things first, like choosing a different flavor, or making a different turn. Use those to identify and and "isolate" your left brain's decision maker and start practicing.

It is a mental muscle. Very useful in mental gymnastics. ;P

It takes time and effort, but as it grows so does your willpower. And once it gets going it slowly starts to feed itself, and you can work more on keeping momentem rather than building it.

A couple notes:

Sometimes your left brain can be a cynical asshole, so your right brain has to step in and say "Okay listen up motherfucker. You and I both know damn good and well that this cynical take is bullshit." Or vice versa. Pay attention to and foster that.

Also, if you wanted to, you could even let each half believe in opposing ideas, as long as the rational side gets at least 51%. This is how I hold all of my spiritual beliefs.

"Will doing this fully heal my depression?"

No. Nothing can do that. The depression will never be gone, but with the right understanding to make the right decisions, this will help you to process most of, if not all of what can be healed.

You will have to feel all of your pain before it's gone, and that part is probably gonna suck.

When you are able; sit with your pain. Understand it, hold it, and when you're ready or when you need to, set it down. It will come back later, where you'll go through this process again.

On that topic; Journaling is a great way to process, as well. Most people seem to get the the best results by physically journaling with pen and paper. I feel like typing on a physical, mechanical keyboard works best for me. (But my phone works in a pinch, too!)

Talking to someone is great, too, but talking about emotional issues too often can possibly do more harm then good. Pay attention to how you feel after to know if it's helpful. Ex.: "Do I feel more relieved or more anxious?" Identify the feelings.

There are tons: Creating Art, Exercise, Being Outdoors, and so on. You'll have to find what works for you. Just don't be afraid to feel understand the pain as you do it. Sometimes you might even try to feel it intentionally. But always remember; When you're done, set it down and let it come back later.

If all of -this- seems impossible to you: Did you evade or deny? What would change if you accepted it?

Uhm... That's it, in a nutshell. This was kinda spur of the moment, and I have plans to write more of the "How" out in greater detail, at some point. But for now... Thank you for coming to my TedTalk?


[Edited title and body to change Selfish to Doomer.]

These Doomer Nihilists are so sure the world is so completely fucked, that they just nope out of any meaningful action that might mitigate what's coming.

Hell, they might be right. But it takes an incredibly selfish person to assume their idea of the future is absolute, to the point you just go "If I'm doomed, I'll just let it burn with everyone inside."

I've been called naive, idealistic and cliche just because I believe in the Human capacity to adapt and thrive, and our unique ability as Humans to choose what we believe. How a positive mindset will -literally- move us in a positve direction, generally speaking.

And I admit, I am verying degrees of those things... But am I wrong?

Humans became... And we're still becoming, a collective organism as the internet spreads. It's far from perfect, but it keeps us all connected in one way or another. That gives each and every one of us a little push and tug on the whole.

Unless you are truly isolated in your life, and my heart breaks for those who are, your positivity matters. Your negativity matters. These things spread to anyone who interacts with you, whether it's the slightest bit or enough to get someone to see another perspective. It spreads and it matters.

I just feel like... if more people were a little more naive and idealistic, but informed, we might not be so fucked.

Face it like a Human.

[Edited slightly for clarification]

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