
joined 2 years ago
[–] cashews_win 5 points 1 year ago

Your president should join your country's fantastic gay porn industry! I'm a big fan. :D

[–] cashews_win 34 points 1 year ago

Both. It can be a symptom of a larger issue or it can be a condition in its own right.

[–] cashews_win -5 points 1 year ago

Well done you crane!

[–] cashews_win 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's what she said!

[–] cashews_win 3 points 1 year ago

I think people may be seeing it the wrong way round or at least not taking into account the other side.

I've been unemployed two years since a mental breakdown. A lot of people may think I'm living the high life with nothing to do and just chilling. But it destroys you having no work! Everyday is a battle against the dark thought - "what's the point in life if I'm not DOING something?"

You may think you'd do the hobbies you do at weekend - but you don't. Not when you're not working long-term. You just coast with every day exactly the same. Nothing has meaning. Weekends aren't special Even something as simple as going to the library - I love books! But why bother? I can do that tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and I don't go.

I'm not saying people need to be wage slaves and work dead-end jobs. But people have to work for their own sanity. It's why a lot of retired people degenerate and/or go back to light work.

[–] cashews_win 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The 90s were simpler times without Google people couldn't check your bullshit.

[–] cashews_win 37 points 1 year ago (13 children)

I dunno. I would agree but there's some anime where the Japanese name just sounds better and it's easier to say.

Kimetsu no Yaiba has a silky feel to it that's lost in the English translation "Demon Slayer" which sounds a bit corny.

Same with Jujutsu Kaisen which sounds a lot better than "Sorcery Battle" or "Technique School".

Shingeki no Kyojin sounds better but I never remember it as easily as "Attack on titan" and people always shorten it to the English acronym (AoT).

[–] cashews_win 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

never had a good proper revolution

Are you forgetting or discounting the English Revolution and Glorious Revolution?

[–] cashews_win 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Metatron fan who watched the LGBTQ+ video recently?

You should read the Reddit badhistory post about that video - it debunks a lot of what he said and points out all his omissions.

[–] cashews_win 7 points 1 year ago

I wonder if the Starmerights will defend this?


What's the point of it?

OpenBSD = Security

FreeBSD = The main UNIX-like

NetBSD = ???

Based on the name of have assumed it's be used in things like network appliances but in 20 years I've never seen a single device use it.


I found a lump on my lip the other day. Like literally on the lip-lip. Not the edge where I've had them happen before. I've NEVER had that happen. A zit ON the lip which I squeezed a yellow lump out of.

How does that happen? AFAIK the lip doesn't have pores? It's a mucus membrane?

That's like getting a zit on your eye ball...

How? Am I going to die? Has anyone else had this?

Don't tell me to see a doctor about a lip zit!


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