
joined 2 years ago
[–] Ookami38 12 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Or break shit. That's an option too.

[–] Ookami38 2 points 3 months ago

It's all society. Always has been. Always will be. There are some very specific biological differences in the two sexes, and we've used those real differences to decide a bunch of fake differences we stick to out of convention. There's an idea of what a man is in our collective unconscious, an archetypal "man", and that's what people refer to, but that archetype is breaking down. Man, woman, gender in general. We're realizing that those distinctions aren't useful, and sometimes, maybe even most of the time, are detrimental.

That all said, humans are social creatures. That pressure, that idea of "man" is all around us. It's absolutely understandable that people can still generalize what "man" is. The concept doesn't have to be based on anything tangible to be relevant to our species.

[–] Ookami38 5 points 3 months ago

Same question for women. Gender is only useful insofar as we decide it is. We have an inherent nature to categorize and differentiate, and in some cases that makes a lot of sense, but outside of strictly biological facts, that distinction between genders is nebulous at best.

Like religion, gender identity is personal, even if it stems from society. No two people will share the same opinion, it'd probably be weird if they did, and as long as they're not using their opinion as basis for fact, do whatever you want, man woman or anyone in between, outside, or around the spectrum.

[–] Ookami38 -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I mean, it pretty clearly implies "feeling like a man" is only a bad thing. That "feeling like a man" can only be done in ways that make others feel inferior. That seems pretty misandrous. to me. Enough to call misandry right away? No. But between that and the name, they're starting to set a theme.

[–] Ookami38 8 points 3 months ago

Presumably they're only carrying guns they have ammo for, or guns they want others to think they have ammo for. If you got it, may as well use it, and if others ~think~ you got it, they may not be so quick to use their own. Also ammo isn't ~that~ hard to make.

[–] Ookami38 4 points 3 months ago

Add electrical to that list, because I'm not a fucking wizard, and electricity is magic.

[–] Ookami38 -5 points 3 months ago

Then that game isn't for you, just like FPS games aren't for me, and that's okay.

[–] Ookami38 4 points 3 months ago

To me it's more to do with mentality. Most of the people earning that much are completely full of themselves, "I'm a problem solver I get things DONE" kinds of people. To have them come to someone they probably don't see as such for a task that is imminently solvable by just looking at the screen for 30 seconds, or typing a quick search is at best off-putting.

[–] Ookami38 11 points 3 months ago (1 children)

In my experiences, most places with a chicken sandwich have a basic, no topping sandwich, and one they call "deluxe" "supreme" or whatever strengthening adjective you choose, which has lettuce, tomato, mayo, etc.

[–] Ookami38 4 points 3 months ago

But enough talk! Have at you!

[–] Ookami38 8 points 3 months ago

I mean, yeah, privacy isn't really a thing in our digital surveillance age. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna make it as hard as possible for them. Make em work for it.

[–] Ookami38 2 points 3 months ago

It's the topology of the object. Essentially flatten the object into a 2 dimensional plane. Something like a mug or donut will have a hole in it after flattening, these items have 1 hole. Different objects flatten into a different number of holes. It's really hard for me to parae anything more complicated than 1 hole with my head, but that's essentially the process.

I do not recall the vsauce video explicitly, but this should be the logic they're using. It gets waaay more difficult to parae on something like a human, with a bunch of different tracts and splits and shit.

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