
joined 11 months ago
[–] NationProtons 1 points 3 months ago

I think for me the difficulty lies in picking back up afterwards. I'm totally ok letting myself relax and distract myself when I'm not feeling well, but I have to build up all my habits again afterwards.

It's quite difficult if you want to build up some good habits and every few weeks you are just completely knocked out for several days. It makes everything in live harder, I feel.

[–] NationProtons 1 points 4 months ago

Hey, doing better already here. (At least no longer sick) Although I still have frequent days where it seems like I cannot get anything done.

I think a big part of the problem for me is that I don't really allow myself enough rest. Even when sick, I tend to try and rest by playing games, watching movies or reading stuff online. But if I can manage to just stop myself and do nothing (really nothing) for 30 minutes, that seems to help so much more.

I hope you find a way to get up and running again so you can prepare for your concert and trip. But it's also fine if you don't, I think. You will get through it either way, good luck!


I feel like a lot of people are attracted to mindfulness or meditation because they want to deal with racing thought or feeling too agitated in some way.

Then they use meditation to calm down and clear their mind.

But for me it is the complete opposite. Normally I have no idea what I'm thinking and cannot pin-point any specific feeling.

Mindfulness meditation seems to allow me to hear my mind again, see what I'm feeling and thinking and being able to act on it again. Does anybody else have the same experience?

[–] NationProtons 1 points 4 months ago

Maybe it's similar for me, I don't really feel like I could do the things I like for 8 hours, let alone work for that amount of time. But you would expect a more constant feeling of dread in those cases, not really random moments like this. But perhaps I'm wrong.

How do you deal with it? Have you found anything that helps?

For me, meditation seems to help it a bit with noticing my feelings/body, but I still can't distinguish between a lot of sensations. While other people I know can even tell what specific meal they want based on what 'kind' of hunger they feel.

[–] NationProtons 1 points 4 months ago

I'm not sure if that's the issue for me. I usually feel better when lying down. But people with gastro reflux often have more issue lying down, no?


I've been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism and I'm pretty familiar with the difficulties and increased anxiety/depression in day-to-day life.

Overall, I'm doing pretty well now. If people talk to me, they would not know I experience any difficulties in life. (Although I'm currently not working). I'm not really that stressed in general, I'm doing much better socially, capable of getting things done everyday, and not feeling terribly tired every day anymore.

But sometimes, seemingly unannounced, I get these bouts of severe discomfort. It feels to me like anxiety, but it's not preceded by any worrying thoughts. (as far as I can tell).

When I feel this, I usually have to lie down or I might start coughing and vomiting. And I will not be able to get myself to do anything anymore. (not even just do something I usually enjoy.)

This can last for an hour, but sometimes it's almost a whole day. Afterwards, I seem to be perfectly fine again.

Is this something that anybody else experiences? Or is there something else going on? Everytime I go to the doctor to explain this, they don't seem to be worried and tell me that it's probably fine.

But fear for having this happen again (And it seems to happen quite frequently), is what is keeping me from making any commitments in terms of my life or work.

[–] NationProtons 2 points 4 months ago

It's true, but that's exactly why you would need this no? Places where people can share skills and help each other, because you don't have money left to replace or buy new things.


Are there still places near the center in Sydney where you can get help to get electronics or clothes repaired? (Or get help to learn how to do it yourself?)

I find a bunch of events and places, but they all seemed to have disappeared or only organise paid workshops nowadays.

[–] NationProtons 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I realise that a big part of the difficulties I experienced was because I never really took a moment to sit still and check whether what I was doing made sense. Like, is this actually what I want to do, is this even good for me? (mentally and physically)

I finally got the time to think a bit, and it made so much difference. At the beginning you still feel a lot of pressure from yourself, because obviously there is a financial part to it. But even beyond that, I noticed I always wanted to be doing something productive (Like doing exercise, making better food, learning some skill, etc.)

After a while (and doing a bit more meditation), the perspective started to shift and I started to realise that most things are much more bearable, if not even fun, when you start just taking your time, not rushing yourself, not trying to optimise everything. This applies to work, but also hobbies, like gaming and browsing the internet. Even gaming becomes stressful if you are always looking for the next goal, the next target and your start filling hours upon hours with that activity.

Talking with other people seems to put this into perspective. It's so easy to tell somebody else to not worry about something and take it easy. But then you realise that they could give that same advice to you and it would still apply. Sometimes just acting/talking towards yourself with the same concern and compassion that you show other people (even strangers) can be so helpful.

[–] NationProtons 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Thanks man. Ended up going and it was really nice to share experiences and frustrations. Glad I decided to go.

[–] NationProtons 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I actually went today. It was nice. It's surprising how respectful and accommodating everyone was. I've never really experienced something like that with people at work and such.

[–] NationProtons 4 points 5 months ago

Yeah, I very much tend to overthink and think in terms of worst case situations. Strange thing is that, even when I know the worst case is not really an issue, I still feel like it's so hard. Especially in social situations I can never really get rid of that little panic/tension that seems to stay present.

[–] NationProtons 5 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Thanks, I definitely know the feeling of delaying reaching out. I've basically dealt with all my issues on my own in the first 20 years of my life, even didn't really talk to family about it. (didn't really talk in general) And I'm more and more aware of how difficult i've made things for myself by doing that. Not that it's easy, but everytime I talk about it, it's useful in some way.


A contact of mine suggested me to join a support group to find people with similar difficulties and talk to them.

I found a group nearby, but I'm a bit reluctant to go. I can feel myself making up excuses as to why it would not be a good idea.

  • I don't feel like it would be helpful.
  • I will feel like they have even more severe issues than me and I can't relate.
  • It's a group with 10 people, so I feel like it's a bit too much for me. I feel like I will just let everybody else talk and be silent like usual.
  • I was a bit sick in the past weekend and I'm worried about making other people sick (even though it's kinda over)

Anybody already went to a support group before, what was your experience?

[–] NationProtons 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Is it possible to sharpen with a higher grit. Like 4k/6k if my knife is quite dull and has some chips? A colleague lend me his stone, but it seems very fine, so either my technique is bad, or it's too fine to sharpen my knife.

[–] NationProtons 1 points 5 months ago

That sounds pretty good actually.

I also find that online, there are so many 'recipes' which ask for specific ingredients and spices. But when I don't have one of those ingredients, I'm not good at substituting (definitely not when sick and not thinking straight)

Instead, I would like to have some guidelines for cooking. Where they just show you some general steps, like 1. grab 3 vegetables from your and cook them in a pot in this way. Then fry a protein in this way. And boom, there is a meal.

I'm getting better at this already, but improvising can be difficult sometimes when you have to think too much.


Hi all

It's quite common for people with adhd (and autism) to have problems with executive functioning and working memory. Which can influence a bunch of things like being able to follow steps, remembering where you left things, being able to follow a conversation, concentrating on some task, etc...

I've been diagnosed for both (autism more recently) and got to know that based on the tests of my assessment that my working memory is quite heavily impaired, but the rest of my mind works quite normal.

In day to day life, this can be rather bothersome, but I usually find some way to deal with it. But when sick, or when I had a bad sleep, suddenly I become almost incapable of basic tasks. Unable to prepare food, make appointments, or work in any way.

It's quite normal that this impacts your working memory in a negative way. (Even for neurotypicals, it's the same). But there seems to be this threshold where things become almost impossible. Where you start forgetting things you have to do only moments later.

I'm looking for ways to cope with these moments. Obviously when sick, you need rest, and eat enough. So I'm not looking to force myself to be able to work while sick. But sometimes it's so bad that I even forget to rest, forget how to cook, forget how to order food online, forget how to take care of myself. Which usually results in me being sick and worse off for a much longer time.

Things I've found that help me:

  • Meditation (Incredibly difficult when sick, but every bit seems to help)
  • Medication (ADHD meds seem to help a bit, if I'm using them at the moment, I seem to feel much better, even when it's mostly physical discomfort. )
  • Committing skills/knowledge to long-term memory (This is difficult because usually it requires extra time and calm moments where you can focus on it. It helped me a lot for cooking. Practicing the basics makes it much easier to get cooking even if I feel terrible)

Any other suggestions as to what might be good ways to improve working memory and make sure that I stay functional to make sure I can take care of myself?


I thought I ate something wrong, but I've been sick for more than 3 days now. Sneezing, nose completely blocked, coughing, vomiting, terrible sleep, muscle pain, stomachache and sharp headaches.

It seems like my partner also got infected, because they started sneezing a day later.

But I don't even really mind all this physical pain and discomfort. The thing that bothers me the most is that I'm completely useless. Unable to think properly apart from a few moments during the day. Sometimes even unable to talk or properly understand my partner.

I can't even read or play a game or something because it quickly gives me a painful headache, and I don't enjoy anything at the moment anyway.

Anyone have some strategies to cope with this? Seems to happen frequently when I get sick and I don't really know how to deal with it. And it seems like it also drags on quite long because I forget to eat enough, I don't seem to have enough energy to take care of myself (brushing, showering)


Hi all

I'm using barefoot shoes for a few years now, and was amazed by how comfortable they are for me.

I remember each time when buying new shoes that I would have blisters and pain for at least two weeks.

When I bought barefoot shoes, I expected to need a few months to get adjusted to them. But they felt comfortable from the very beginning! (maybe because I used to walk on my toes during my childhood, even got support soles for that, but didn't really help)

More recently, I participated in a 100km within 24h walk. I expected to fail because it was the first time I was participating in a challenge like this, but I made it!

Obviously I was tired and the last part was quite difficult still. But I was amazed that I managed to walk for more the first 50km without any discomfort or blisters.


I'm using Nixos 24.05 on my asus zenbook 14 and the scroll speed of the touchpad is rather high.

Is there any way to adjust it from the config? I don't see an option in gnome/wayland


I recently bought an asus zenbook 14 (AMD version) and the scroll speed of the touch pad is quite fast.

Does anybody know how to change this?

I'm using Nixos 24.05, Gnome/Wayland


I feel so tired after half a day of work, never mind working a full day. After a couple of weeks of this, when i get home, i have no energy left for anything. Even things I usually enjoy.

Everything feels like a drag at that point and I can’t seem to do anything to improve this.

Doing this for a few more months usually ends up with me having to quit my job or i will get so tired and sick I can’t do anything anymore.

How to deal with this?


I recently moved to a new city and don’t know anybody here yet.

I want to try out some things and meet new people and avoid sitting at home all day (but sometimes is ok)

My ideas are hiking, volunteering and reading. What would you recommend? Any good ideas?


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