But in another way he is kinda taking over the government and he isn't the government
Every accusation is actually a confession
I think they might have satellite internet
When they had the BLM stuff and the police decided to force people into their homes, I was like... This is it. It's gonna happen. The tyranny is here.
Not a damn thing.
I saw something about making you wear a little star on your shirt if you conceal carry, for the sake of society.
Not a lot of normies can hyperfocus enough to become billionaires
My wife shot herself in the eye with a confetti cap gun last night trying to see if it was loaded. She literally pointed it at her face and pulled the trigger.
See. This is where shit has gotten to.
People are now complaining about lighters being lighter.
Every time you walk past throw a few kernels in there, close the door and just walk off.
Then when the next person uses it they will go crazy with a few random kernels that just keep coming from nowhere
Well played