
joined 2 years ago
[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 11 points 1 week ago

Claude code can make something that works, but it's kinda over engineered and really struggles to make an elegant solution that maximises code reuse - it's the opposite of DRY.

I'm doing a personal project at the moment and used it for a few days, made good progress but it got to the point where it was just a spaghetti mess of jumbled code, and I deleted it and went back to implementing each component one at a time and then wiring them together manually.

My current workflow is basically never let them work on more than one file at a time, and build the app one component at a time, starting at the ground level and then working in, so for example:

Create base classes that things will extend, Then create an example data model class, iterate on that architecture A LOT until it's really elegant.

Then Ive been getting it to write me a generator - not the actual code for models,

Then (level 3) we start with be UI.layer, so now we make a UI kit the app will use and reuse for different components

Then we make a UI component that will be used in a screen. I'm using flutter as an example so It would be a stateless component

We now write tests for the component

Now we do a screen, and I import each of the components.

It's still very manual, but it's getting better. You are still going to need a human cider, I think forever, but there are two big problems that aren't being addressed because people are just putting their head in the sand and saying nah can't do it, or the clown op in the post who thinks they can do it.

  1. Because dogs be clownin, the public perception of programming as a career will be devalued "I'll just make it myself!" Or like my rich engineer uncle said to me when I was doing websites professionally - a 13 year old can just make a website, why would I pay you so much to do it. THAT FUCKING SUCKS. But a similar attitude has existed from people "I'll just hire Indians". This is bullshit, but perception is important and it's going to require you to justify yourself for a lot more work.

  2. And this is the flip side good news. These skills you have developed - it's is going to be SO MUCH FUCKING HARDER TO LEARN THEM. When you can just say "hey generate me an app that manages customers and follow ups" and something gets spat out, you aren't going to investigate the grind required to work out basic shit. People will simply not get to the same level they are now.

That logic about how to scaffold and architect an app in a sensible way - USING AI TOOLS - is actually the new skillset. You need to know how to build the app, and then how to efficiently and effectively use the new tools to actually construct it. Then you need to be able to do code review for each change.

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 28 points 1 week ago

I've been a professional full stack dev for 15 years and dabbled for years before that - I can absolutely code and know what I'm doing (and have used cursor and just deleted most of what it made for me when I let it run)

But my frontends have never looked better.

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There's a big difference from the far right and full blown nazis

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Having recently lived through a hurricane and can vouch that houses, can, in fact, go.

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 3 points 2 weeks ago

Fuck yeah. Pop some bottles in the ice

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 7 points 2 weeks ago
[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Hold up - if there is already a 25% tariff - IE tax - on Canadian electricity, does that mean that there is now another 25% tax on that electricity?

And wouldn't this have a slight compounding effect on the second us tariff?

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 2 points 2 weeks ago
[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 11 points 3 weeks ago

I (40m) lived with my (39F) lesbian step sister for a few years.

It was like a proper relationship without any of the jealousy and clingy ownership that inevitably comes from both sides, plus if one of you brings home a catch you can genuinely give the other a high five.

One of the most functional relationships I have ever had.

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Not with the drop bears aligned with the emus we are stuffed

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 2 points 3 weeks ago

Hell Ive seen photos

[–] MyNameIsIgglePiggle 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

For Joe Rogan to give that look though something has to be pretty cooked.


This whole situation reminds me of the fable of Sun Tzu and King He Lu's concubines. I've linked a copy of the story, better than my TlDr, but here it is anyway. TlDr; Sun Tzu was tasked with training the kings concubines as soldiers. He gave them instructions, and they refused to carry them out, laughing and not taking it seriously. He then had two of the Kings favourite concubines executed against his wishes. Suddenly they were taking it very seriously and doing the right thing.

It doesn't take much to control a populace. The arrest of Luigi will make people he might have targeted feel safe again. But if they didn't feel safe - ie he was never caught - he might have made real change and the targeted group would start doing the right thing for fear of retribution.

It would have been an interesting alternate timeline.


I'll admit I've drifted off Lemmy the last month or so.. content was a bit repetitive and felt like just an echo chamber of the same ideas. I didn't go back to Reddit, Reddit lost me to tiktok it turns out.

Jumped back on now and so many more posts have inspired me to comment. I'm a comment contributor generally but I wasn't feeling it.

Anyway.. just wanted to pop in and say I'm really enjoying it. Not that I was ever going anywhere but this is a great trajectory


Ancient Rome's debut, Romulus, Remus, they knew, City's birth in view.

Monarchy did start, Seven kings ruled, played their part, Republic's fresh chart.

Power to the plebs, Senators and their webs, Cicero's wise pleads.

Conquests, Punic Wars, Carthage fell, triumphant roars, Empire's first great doors.

Julius Caesar's fame, Brutus and the Senate's aim, Ides of March's claim.

Augustus did rise, Pax Romana's grandest prize, Empire's steady ties.

Trajan, Hadrian's reign, Empire's borders did sustain, Height it would attain.

Christianity's spread, Persecutions widespread, Faith the martyrs bled.

Invasions, turmoil, Huns, Visigoths, Roman soil, Empire's slow uncoil.

476 AD's fate, Odoacer's conquest state, Western Empire's weight.

Byzantium's gate, Constantinople, strong, great, Eastern Empire's fate.

Justinian's name, Hagia Sophia's fame, Empire's legal claim.

Arab-Byzantine strife, Crusades brought further life, Empire's later life.

1453's fall, Ottoman Turks did enthral, Byzantine's final call.

Rome's history vast, Kingdom, Republic, held fast, Empire's echoes cast.


Not affiliated with these guys, just a fan and this is a great doco. Understand its not the exact target of this community but hopefully those interested will find this interesting as well


This is one of my favourite YouTube channels at the moment. Really high quality medium form documentaries. I particularly love this episode. They are growing but still pretty small.


Not a pimple but still an extraction


Was thinking this after a rough landing today

Only in Australia (
Server stats etc (self.main)
submitted 2 years ago by MyNameIsIgglePiggle to c/main

Hey, one thing that has confused me a bit about Lemmy is just how bad it seems to be at handling any traffic at all.

Do you have any stats on how many request per second etc you are getting? I saw the thread the other day with your 24cpu server and the graphs and figure if anyone has a bit of a handle on it, if figure this community can work it out.

Like, if its just doing a couple of database reads and (from what i can tell I'm on mobile) just serving a JSON API to a single page JavaScript application, why is it so hard on the server?

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