I want to see this graphed over time
This guy is gonna be protected on the inside if he makes it there
Fair. How about we just start with the richest and work out way backwards until our bloodlust is satiated
We could build ourselves a round stadium and pit them against wild animals for family entertainment!
Maybe we just make it asset tested. Everyone with a net worth > $5m gets the guillotine
Yes definitely don't do that
Pretty sure it's like the definition of narcissism
If the democratic party organises a few well placed justice killings pre election they could do ok. Don't need to be the running candidate who carries out the execution, just ride on the coat tails of the fall out
Why is nobody mentioning that by installing it and authenticating, there is sweet fuck all you can do to stop them tracking your movements and downloading your whole address book so they can see who you Associate with?
Taking the phone isn't the problem if they are already in it.
Or... Keep the card in the car?
Also see Matt gatez