Wait, if someone has breast implants and their body decomposes, what happens to the implants? do they just say on top of the skeleton like jellyfish or something?
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The rib bone's connected to the boob bone
Give them both bone dicks.
It would only be proper
Cases of human penis ossification following trauma have been reported, and one case was reported of a congenital os penis surgically removed from a 5-year-old boy, who also had other developmental abnormalities, including a cleft scrotum.
I run OS Penis, btw.
new Linux distro just dropped
What a terrible day to have eyes
That's why we can't have nice things.
is that like a cleft palate? could he breathe through his ass?
Dumbasses shoulda just removed a rib from one of them to indicate it as a male and made by intelligent design and not evolution.
Ah but you forgot they're dumbasses.
ribs grow back! (no they dont)
Soft and squishy. Like bone.
Can anyone with actual knowledge confirm if that's a pelvis capable of squeezing out babies? Or did they pay boobs on a male skeleton?
Skeletons can't be infallibly sexed because sexual characteristics aren't binary, including the shape of the skeleton. They are usually gendered using multiple clues
I've sexed so many skeletons over the years and it's never felt wrong before. 😏
Can confirm. I watched.
I just sort of expected all demonstration skeletons to be super typically male, because some male with a tophat as big as his sexism came up with it in the 1800s. Generally, my pessimistic assumptions about this end up true.
But yeah, I realize in my pessimism I overshot into the wrong direction.
Dang you just unlocked a confusing memory.
My secondary school had a demonstration skeleton, but it was the skeleton of a real person who donated their body to science.
The teachers had given them a male name, despite the skeleton being female. Apparently kids just expected skeletons to be male for some reason, and explaining the difference every time was annoying to teachers.
I didn't have the brain capacity to realize that it might have been kinda messed up towards the real person that skeleton belonged to, but now that I think back on it... yeah, there's problems with that.
My completely amateur reading of it is that they're both male, but I'm no expert.
lol there’s no nipples, that’s an ad for a bra.
“Our line of bras are so comfortable and durable that you’ll still be getting all the support you need with them even in the afterlife!”
Why are the skellyboobs connected to the ribcage then.
If I were advertising a bra I'd want the bra to be in the ad.
The skellyboob bone is connected to the rib bone
It’s a strapless bra with the ribcage supporting the boobies. Otherwise you’d have a bone bra clacking against the ribcage, and we can’t have that.
As someone who likes to see the good in the world, I'd say: "checkmate, transphobes, who claim that archaeologists won't be able to identify my gender via skeleton".
Transphobes: This is totally new, people made it up a few years ago.
Also transphobes: If ancient people were like this there's no way we could tell.
isnt it the transphobes who say that archeologists will (incorrectly) assume your gender based on your skeleton?
The bone-boobs came from a gender affirming surgery.
Yeah, I assumed that the bone-boobs were included in gender-affirming surgery.
Sorry, if my joke wasn't as thought through as it should have been. Hadn't had lunch back then. 😅
There was actually a thing where out of like 27 skeletons randomly selected for a study, only TWO were confirmed to be female & male respectively. There were like 10 total that were thought to be male & female but the other ~15 they had no idea!
https://youtu.be/Vqzbkc-03Tg @ 21 minutes
Don't be fooled by those big ol' socialist bone titties.
Could have just given her silicone implants...
Obvious fiction. No boner.
With today's administration, they are probably calling the Phrenology experts now to double check.
Kind of a great ad:
This bra will survive a nuclear blast and outlive you and your loved ones!
But it's not a bra, it's part of the skeleton.
could be bone moobs
edit: couldn't stop thinking about anatomically incorrect skeletons and now I kinda want to make one with a beer belly, and have it in a lawn chair with beer bottles and maga shit.
Silicone mineralizes easily... on geological timescales.
naw those are like - two white hats on there
It’s just really cold outside, ok?
Nice work, bone daddy.