And replace them with american spyware? Nice try NSA
Are we that suprised coming from a guy that bankrupt a casino?
Not to mention increased oil prices making less efficient cars less appealing... man, i wish i could be paid to be a stupid executive.
Your just making more examples of why google shouldnt have control of chrome.
Also, is firefox any less secure then chrome?
If children arent telling their parents about a core part of themselves... theres probably a very good reason for it.
What ever you do, dont tell RFK about raw cockroach milk.
America is already leading the world in the most incarcerated population... guns sure aint helping stop it.
Let me guess... microsoft designed it.
He should've ran on the president ticket, there might actually been a chance.
Less people want to enter a facist country? shocked pikachu
Funny thing, AI wouldnt make that mistake...
You'll know when he seemingly gains 20 iq points.