
joined 5 months ago
I got caught :( (
[–] TriflingToad 2 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

do you mean "preoccupied" as in have serious beef with you, or a 'hey! it's you again :)'? I'm still kinda confused

[–] TriflingToad 3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)


Learned a new word today, I'll just paste the definition for others to learn :)

Femby, also known as femenby, finby, fenby, or finenby, is a gender identity for those who identify as feminine and non-binary.

[–] TriflingToad 1 points 4 hours ago

I think this is a misunderstanding, you and OP both agree on that point. OP just didn't clarify that pre-transition trans people are still trans in the post lol

[–] TriflingToad 32 points 10 hours ago

fun fact! on Voyager (Lemmy for mobile app) you can't read the title because it's a quote due to a bug.
for those who can't read it, the title is:

>meme arrows

I also submitted a bug report and a fix is on the way :)

[–] TriflingToad 1 points 10 hours ago

thank you, she's so cute :)

quote in title test (

testing before I make a bug report to see if it's replicate-able (is that a word?)

anyways, KITTY PHOTOS!!!

[–] TriflingToad 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

I agree. Doom 1 and doom 2 are like exactly the same fun level as Doom Eternal, just in a different way.
Tbh I didn't like "Doom (2016)" that much. I'm sure when it came out it was amazing considering doom 3 was the most recent thing, but I played Doom Eternal first and compared to the FUN of eternal, it just doesn't stand up to the "rip that guy in half then latch on that demon with a flaming chain on my double barreled shotgun so I can use a Lazer balista to shoot that other demons head off while in midair to go chainsaw the flying meatballs eyesocket" of Doom Eternal

[–] TriflingToad 3 points 19 hours ago

re-released duology is objectively superior

do you mean the "doom 1 + doom 2" on steam? because if so, oh boy are you gonna love gzdoom

[–] TriflingToad 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

put ![](link here) to embed gifs by the way :)

where it's typed like this:


[–] TriflingToad 4 points 19 hours ago

it is tho 💞


this community really fucks with my saved Pinterest boards, so I keep occasionally posting some lol


there was a REALLY loud noise outside of our house the other day, so I looked out and there was just a croaky little guy sitting on the back porch looking for a mate 🥹

Toads are truly the goober-est little fellas out there and I love them for that <3<3


sorry for bad alt text, I lack the terminology to describe this accurately

(i'm not a mechanic, i have no earthly idea if this is accurate. Don't sue me)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by TriflingToad to c/internetisawesome

This person on reddit had a BIOS that took 4 hours to update... then 10... then 24... then 36, so they started a livestream for people to watch. Now it's been over 100 and it's still not done!
They even started a fundraiser and got more than enough for a new motherboard when (possibly if) it gives up and breaks.

I feel like this is going to be an inside joke for a while on the PCMR sub lol

Here's the thread with more information Here is the thread with a FAQ
And i'll just copy and paste it for those who don't wanna, (but it might be out of date):

[Reddit post text]100 hours of updating my BIOS…

well, this is getting absurd.

For those who haven’t heard, I started updating my BIOS about 4 days ago now, and we’re still going up to now

I figure I might as well put some commonly asked questions here:

-dual BIOS? it’s a BioStar A320MH… No lol

-BIOS flashback? see previous

-RMA? sadly I got this and the 1200 attached to it used, and they’re both from 2018. Not gonna happen

-what USB? I actually did this by just selecting the file on my boot SSD in the BIOS update utility. Could be what caused it, IDK

-UPS? nope, just good ol’ (un)reliable Philippines electricity!

-why even update? 2018 BIOS… I read on the page that there were some stability fixes on the newer BIOS versions and thought why not? Definitely regretting it now…

-what does purple even mean? pretty sure it’s just empty space created from erasing the old BIOS

-stream when? now!:

-PC specs? Ryzen 3 1200, GTX 1660. 4GB 2400MHZ, Gigabyte P650B, Transcend 128GB SSD and of course BioStar A320MH rev 6.0

-is this your main PC? thankfully no, it’s just a PC I built to put in my dorm.

-main PC specs? Ryzen 5 8400F, RTX 4060, 16GB 5200MHZ (RAM is expensive here okay…) MSI A650BN, Transcend 220S 2TB SSD and Gigabyte B650M K

-did you buy a BIOS programmer yet? yup! it arrives next week

thank you to everyone who’s followed me on this so far, this has gotten so out of hand lol. And yes, I saw Mutahar’s video.


the computer went black and is no longer working 🥲

Text of update post

As of 2:14 PM Philippine Standard Time, my monitor lost signal from the PC and I returned to it completely unresponsive to any troubleshooting. Thanks again to everyone who followed me on this and especially to those who donated, I really do appreciate it.

I won’t be making another post on this sub anymore about this stuff (though my BIOS programmer is yet to arrive, I’ll probably announce something for that outside of here,) so to those who have grown tired of me, this is probably the last you’re gonna see of me. To those that were hoping the board would live, I’m sorry for the disappointment. Again, thank you everyone who got involved on this, bye for now!

Democratic Socialists of America Jacksonville Chapter

Event Calendar

POSTPONED - Karaoke at The Walrus

Sun. March 16 - Gender Euphoria Clothes Swap

Weds. March 19 - Monthly Meeting

Sat. March 22 - Cleanup & Foodshare

Mon. March 24 - Nail Art Social

Sun. March 30 - Hike with DSA

April 1 - School Board Meeting Meetup

Thurs. April 19 - Monthly Meeting

(I am not affiliated with this group, but I did go to the trans clothing swap and wanted to share the pamphlets information)


I wanted to get a photo of this birds head fur because it looked really goofy and cute, but it got scared as I was taking my phone out and started to fly away.
I didn't get his goofy head fuzz but I did get an absolutely awesome photo

Hell yeah, little crow.

me fr rule (
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