I personally really like bees.
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Me too! They also supercharge harvests if you have a vegetable/fruit garden. Actual harvest explosion.
Also having a compost pit with one of those ants whose larval stage is a ground based worm (sorry, but I don't know what they're called) also has a similar effect I think. As an added bonus they don't really mess up your furniture or really pester you either.
Punch buggy!
I like ladybugs. I also love bees - not the skinny fast ones, those fat chunky ones that slowly move between plants and bumps into stuff and just all round flies like they're fishing for a DUI charge. It makes me very happy when I see one of those exploring my plants and stuff.
Bumble bee. Named for the bumbling you describe. Great bees because they seem to have no interest in harassing me.
Took me a while to realize you weren't talking about software bugs. Was about to question your sanity.
The only good bug is a dead bug!
You sound like a good fit for the Mobile Infantry! Would you like to know more?
Cicadas. Enjoyed seeing brood 4 coming out in 2015 while at summer camp.
They might be my choice too. Brood 17 in 2021 was INTENSE!