
joined 2 years ago
[–] clay_pidgin 4 points 13 hours ago

Well written, I can hear his voice.

[–] clay_pidgin 3 points 20 hours ago

When you get your reminder, can you remind me too please? I love stew.

[–] clay_pidgin 38 points 20 hours ago
[–] clay_pidgin 3 points 1 day ago

Thank you. Perhaps I will get one!

[–] clay_pidgin 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Are we? I am happy to show my support but don't want to pretend that I'm part of the community.

[–] clay_pidgin 1 points 1 day ago
[–] clay_pidgin 4 points 1 day ago (4 children)
[–] clay_pidgin 1 points 2 days ago

I'll assail YOUR drawers!

[–] clay_pidgin 6 points 2 days ago

You betcha, fren!

[–] clay_pidgin 11 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Below a certain threshold of vision you are declared legally blind, meaning you are blind enough for an official determination.

[–] clay_pidgin 3 points 2 days ago

I'll 100% make this as a topper for something. thank you.

[–] clay_pidgin 2 points 3 days ago

I've seen a group b Audi Quattro go past during a historic rally. Really incredible sounds.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by clay_pidgin to c/[email protected]

Just watched this on streaming. It's about a young woman who stops aging and her difficulty in maintaining relationships as an ageless person. Blake lively is great in it and Harrison Ford is remarkable. Has anyone else seen it?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by clay_pidgin to c/linux


Debian is complaining that /boot is full and no wonder, it's only 488 MiB. I see some stuff I can remove, but I also want to resize the partition. other than a tiny /boot the rest is taken up by an LVM volume for my /home. I figured I'd split it up someday and LVM looked interesting.

Gparted let me shrink the LVM volume a bit to make a 1.5Gib space, but I can't seem to increase the /boot EXT2 partition with that free space.

KDE partition manager lets me resize the LVM partition but I also can't increase the size of /boot.

I'm thinking it's something about the LVM logical vs physical volumes.

What am I missing? I did all of this from live USBs of Fedora and Kubuntu and Pop! to see if it made a difference. There don't seem to be many GUI LVM tools but I worry I'm making some fundamental mistake because I've resized partitions for years without issue. Any help would be appreciated.

As a side note, why does KDE ppartition Manager think my big LVM volume is mostly full? It isn't even close, maybe 25% used.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by clay_pidgin to c/[email protected]

I came here to post the radio show and learned there was a TV show too! Gonna check it out.

Radio show:


I heard they can kill a man with a glance and maybe they can breathe fire, but my cousin wasn't sure about that one. Will the Trident and net even work against them?


Hi, I switched my desktop to Linux full time many months ago and I'm never going back. My kids want gaming PCs for Minecraft, Roblox, fortnight, etc. Kid games for now.


I've been planning to show my kids how to build their own computers, and I think I can 2 for 1 this. My current PC is a prebuilt Ibuypower, and the last computer I assembled had an AGP slot. I know spinning metal is out generally. Other than picking an AMD graphics card what tips can you offer me?


I want to give them the opportunity to learn and fail, so I don't think I would go with an immutable distro. Thoughts? Assuming a separate /home I think having to reinstall once in a while is a good lesson.

Firefox with full add blocking of course.

Is there an application for managing screen time, and while they're still little I'd be interested in some kind of blocking/filtering.

Thanks folks!



I've been using a pair of $20 no-name BT earbuds from Amazon for the last few years and they worked well enough for me, but the quality is starting to show in physical problems. The electronics still work fine but the charging ports have come loose etc. It's time for new earbuds and I would appreciate input.

I use the earbuds only with an Android phone (Google Pixel 6 Pro), and I don't use the assistant or AI or voice commands. My current earbuds have a terrible microphone so I can't make calls with them - improving this would maybe be nice but is not a big deal.


  • Price - Under $150 maybe? Soft limit I guess

  • Touch controls of some kind - mandatory. (start stop, volume)

  • Wireless charging of the case/battery pack - very cool, would be nice. Not mandatory

  • Case charging connector - USB-C I guess but Micro USB is fine. No Proprietary chargers because I tend to lose cables

  • Built-in assistant / AI / voice control - I won't use it and I don't want it. As long as I can ignore it I don't care what features of this type are included

  • Noise cancelling - Some is better than none but I don't need ultra-deluxe sound deadening 2000 pro 2.0

  • Sound quality - don't care. I'm not an audiophile, and I can't tell the difference between bitrates. I mostly listen to spoken podcasts and audiobooks, only occasionally music

  • Toughness - I won't wear them in the pool or in a sandstorm. I dropped the current ones only vary rarely

  • Shape - I prefer the replaceable rubber ear tips (what are they actually called?) to the hard nubs


I only saw the 20 minutes or so I described in the title, but it looked interesting. Searching reveals lots of movies about the civil war, but as far as I could tell it wasn't really part of the story except as the reason the husband left.

It looked like a 90s movie, or possibly a 2000s TV movie. I didn't recognize any actors, but I'm bad at that so I can't assume the wife wasn't super famous.


The book is OK, not one of my favorites, but it's definitely got a lot of B5 in it. I found it in the used book store and had to buy it! Has anyone else read it?


Would Worm(Parahumans) count? It's 1.6 million works long. About 26 books.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by clay_pidgin to c/[email protected]

I added more hard drives to my windows PC to dual boot as a test, then added another drive to actually play since I was enjoying Linux. My third OS isn't bootable any more. What have I done wrong?

Started off with Windows 10 on a SATA drive with an M.2 drive for more data.

Added a 2Gb NVME with Debian - this has become my daily driver. I haven't been to windows more than a few minutes a week.

Added another 250Gb SATA drive to test and play with another Debian install so I don't break my daily driver.

Tried today to boot into the test OS and It's just missing from GRUB? It doesn't show up as a bootable drive in my UEFI BIOS either, though the drive itself is seen.

From KDE Partition Manager in my daily driver Debian, the drives are:

/dev/nvme01 - the daily driver Debian

/dev/sda - the Windows OS drive

/dev/sdb - the windows M.2 drive

/dev/sdc - the test Debian drive (not booting)

I would appreciate help. While there's not much on that drive, I would like to continue my playing around.

Thanks in advance.


Hallo, Hello, Hola, Aloha, etc.

I kept notes for a five year-long D&D game in Microsoft OneNote, which worked fine, but I kept wishing for more features. I'm hoping y'all can recommend something better suited to my desired use.

  • Page per game session (day), unless there's a better paradigm
  • Crosslinking easily, so that I can link every appearance of a character in the notes to a page for that character (or spell or place or organization or whatever). Is it possible for this to happen automatically by linking future uses of that word?
  • Some stats about frequency e.g. "this character has appeared X times" or "player X rolled a 1 Ytimes". Probably achieved by counting the number of times a page was linked to?
  • Ideally, but not mandatory, collaborative. I'm capable of self-hosting either full time but maybe some have a "share on local network" option to use during a session.
  • Inserting images
  • Open source is preferred for ethical reasons, but I can use proprietary or paid software
  • Don't care much about text formatting

I appreciate any input!

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