Having honest conversations with my partner about this currently.
Was being rhetorical. 😉
So uh.. any guesses where this guy donates politically?
This typo is amazing. Please do not edit.
Yes. There's a toggle in about: config (fxaccount sync or something similar) that allows FF account sync. Will do everything from extensions, to bookmarks to history if you're keeping that.
I want you all to know this was my first time experiencing this and my day could not be better.
Could not have said it better. Cheers mate.
The Nemesis System within the Wonder Woman game was the reverse of what is in the Middle-Earth games. Instead of enemies being empowered, Wonder Woman would befriend NPCs.
Damn, as someone who likes a good, getting cats out of trees, talking to the goblins that took over your house, NPC helping time, this bums me out.
My wife and I have been friends for close to 30 years. Married for 5. When we we're moving in together we found 2 artifacts that make this hit home.
She had a CD Binder with a WinXP CD and THE key written on it in my handwriting from 20 years ago and
I had a Portisehead CD with her writing on it. That CD / Album (Dummy) always made me think of her. And is likely one of the reasons I crushed so hard for all these years.
There is something to be said for the burned CD being my generations mixtape ala High Fidelity.
I accidentally brought the brownies from dads house. We should probably eat these first.
That's just like, your opinion man.