
joined 2 years ago
[–] Estiar 4 points 3 days ago

This sounds like a completely proportional and legal response /s

[–] Estiar 9 points 4 days ago

This is definitely against the first amendment

[–] Estiar 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm a recently separated transgender veteran, and I'm well connected with those directly affected by this. Most branches are taking a similar route with a option to either voluntarily separate or else involuntarily separate after a board meets to separate you. Involuntary separation will take a much longer time, however some people still might like to take it just to be done with the military.

There's very likely going to be a temporary restraining order on the effects of these executive orders. The case to look at is called Talbot V Trump. We are expecting to see it issued in the next week.

[–] Estiar 4 points 1 week ago

People can be separated from the military for a number of reasons including medical reasons, disciplinary reasons, inability to do their job, or other reasons. Most people will be discharged under honorable conditions, (unless there are other conditions that would characterize it differently)

I had a friend that separated early because of something the Air Force deemed "failure to adjust to the military environment"

[–] Estiar 4 points 1 week ago

This is One of the major things I'm worried about.

Namely I'm worried about mental health service, and getting medications paid for from the VA. I may have to find "alternate causes" to justify taking estrogen. Or else I may have to pick up the bill on some things.

[–] Estiar 4 points 1 week ago

I hope nobody was dead after the crash!

[–] Estiar 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Does this actually cite the GAO's report? Or is it made up?

[–] Estiar 16 points 2 weeks ago

I love bulletin boards! They're always a good spot to find local events

[–] Estiar 1 points 2 weeks ago

The child would go to the NICU and be fine

If the child doesn't have a rare issue

You changed your position. That's okay!

Still, there are times when abortions make more sense from a health perspective. There are also times when induced birth makes more sense. Why ban a life saving procedure? No mother wants to have an abortion at that stage, so they would go with that latter option every time that they could.

But sometimes that's too risky for the health of the mother. So instead of a dead baby, you have a dead baby and dead mother. If it's banned, pregnancy becomes more dangerous for any mother

[–] Estiar 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Children can't grow a brain stem that isn't there. Or make a malformed heart work There are complications that cannot be treated

[–] Estiar 3 points 2 weeks ago

This is going to hurt planning on all levels for the Ukrainians. It would make sense if he only wanted to get rid of financial aid, but intelligence sharing is free. The US is already monitoring the whole conflict. The US is the primere space power in the world, so that's a lot of resources to lose. The USA is sending a message that they do not support Ukraine anymore

[–] Estiar 38 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I would like to have an ev, but I don't want to buy from a Nazi

USAID is kil (self.noncrediblediplomacy)

Apoligy for bad English

Where were you when USAID was kil

I was at home eating nacho

I hear my friend

"USAID is kil"


Slide Rule (
submitted 5 months ago by Estiar to c/[email protected]

I gotta post something, so I'll post the mechanical calculator that the flight school wanted me to get. How it works is that you can set ratios in the dial and multiply them. In this picture, it's 60:10 (or 60:1.0) so I can take any number from the inner circle in minutes and find out how many hours that is equal to on the outer circle.

There are also other things on this calculator, including a wind vector calculator, and charts. Most pilots don't use these anymore, but they still wanted me to know how to use one

submitted 9 months ago by Estiar to c/politics

This bill has just passed the US House of Representatives. Why is this important?

Today, we have Visa and Mastercard as our choice of digital payment. Some have floated crypto as an alternate, but crypto is complicated and not backed by an economy or central bank. Others have floated the idea of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that matches the availability of Mastercard and Visa, but do not go through their services. It could also be used offline with smart devices.

Some critics have cited concerns over privacy, where the central government could collect information, while others have pointed out that Visa and Mastercard collect that sort of data anyways, and CBDCs might log less data if designed differently.

The point may soon become moot if the bill passes the Senate and receive the president's signature

My take on this bill is that it's a ban that should not be put into place. CBDC can still be issued to banks though, just not for you and me. It keeps Credit card companies able to charge high merchant fees.

If I were to write a bill on CBDC, I would put in privacy restrictions into the bill, but still allow for individual CBDC to be issued.


Rarity is the fashion pony. She'd do just about anything to be more glamorous. Poor Fluttershy gets betrayed


The thing in the middle is Queen Chrysalis. What I would give to be her right now

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