This is definitely against the first amendment
I'm a recently separated transgender veteran, and I'm well connected with those directly affected by this. Most branches are taking a similar route with a option to either voluntarily separate or else involuntarily separate after a board meets to separate you. Involuntary separation will take a much longer time, however some people still might like to take it just to be done with the military.
There's very likely going to be a temporary restraining order on the effects of these executive orders. The case to look at is called Talbot V Trump. We are expecting to see it issued in the next week.
People can be separated from the military for a number of reasons including medical reasons, disciplinary reasons, inability to do their job, or other reasons. Most people will be discharged under honorable conditions, (unless there are other conditions that would characterize it differently)
I had a friend that separated early because of something the Air Force deemed "failure to adjust to the military environment"
This is One of the major things I'm worried about.
Namely I'm worried about mental health service, and getting medications paid for from the VA. I may have to find "alternate causes" to justify taking estrogen. Or else I may have to pick up the bill on some things.
I hope nobody was dead after the crash!
Does this actually cite the GAO's report? Or is it made up?
I love bulletin boards! They're always a good spot to find local events
The child would go to the NICU and be fine
If the child doesn't have a rare issue
You changed your position. That's okay!
Still, there are times when abortions make more sense from a health perspective. There are also times when induced birth makes more sense. Why ban a life saving procedure? No mother wants to have an abortion at that stage, so they would go with that latter option every time that they could.
But sometimes that's too risky for the health of the mother. So instead of a dead baby, you have a dead baby and dead mother. If it's banned, pregnancy becomes more dangerous for any mother
Children can't grow a brain stem that isn't there. Or make a malformed heart work There are complications that cannot be treated
This is going to hurt planning on all levels for the Ukrainians. It would make sense if he only wanted to get rid of financial aid, but intelligence sharing is free. The US is already monitoring the whole conflict. The US is the primere space power in the world, so that's a lot of resources to lose. The USA is sending a message that they do not support Ukraine anymore
I would like to have an ev, but I don't want to buy from a Nazi
This sounds like a completely proportional and legal response /s