WTF?! YDI. You should know better than to act like that in a trans space. I myself am Nonbinary and a therian and have had to deal with people exactly like you telling me I'm crazy for it. The thing is I have species dysphoria and it's not something I can control, so calling me crazy for it is as bad as someone saying you're crazy for you having gender dysphoria. Go fuck yourself!
So let me get this straight, you think that I'm a rightoid because I disagree with you and would never want to share a server with you because you bullied and scared someone into deleting their account? Go fuck yourself Phillp I have nothing more to say to you. I didn't like you when I met you and I like you even less now.
Couldn't agree more. The masculinity standards people are held to in society are very hostile and unfair. People should not be expected to be violent or hold back their emotions just because they are male.
Quite amusing that Cat deleted their account though. Exactly the sort of behavior you’d expect from someone just innocently posting content, right?
Because an admin threatening to ban you for being too active is surely something that makes you feel warm and welcome there. /s
This is the kind of reductive, uncharitable take you see on the VAC forums on Steam, I'm surprised you're expressing such a baseless bad-faith claim here about said person, not a good look for you.
I'm not surprised they deleted their account upon threatening to be banned for being too active, I would probably do the same thing. Especially with my past experiences with @[email protected], he seems like a pompous uptight control freak. Not the kind of person I want having access to my email address and my last known IP logins.
If you don't like me saying any of this about you @[email protected] you know exactly what to do about it 🔨
Report it. Most admins don't take kindly to this, even as a joke or trolling.
Yeah contrast kind of sucks in a lot of the panels. Probably the only real criticism I had at all for this comic. Had to zoom all the way in to read some of them. Everything else about it though is awesome.
I'm glad you like it. It really is an awesome comic.
Do you maybe mind sharing your APK with VirusTotal score so that people who want to try it can do so without giving their email away?
I've never posted there before but it seems like they are a legitimately terrible instance, don't blame yourself.
Since you're an admin you're in a better position than most people since you can ban then unban yourself using another admin account to remove their ban of you if you really want to. It's seen as sleezy to do that but is sleezy too, so maybe justified?
In favor of doing this, but keep the old posts locked without removing them so people know what happened and what led up to this.