[-] ZOSTED 31 points 1 month ago

You're forgiven. When I was young, I genuinely thought "fiscally conservative" was a logical position until all the would-be fascists starting going mask-off.

[-] ZOSTED 32 points 6 months ago

He has also praised Hitler on social media.

Fucking what???

[-] ZOSTED 25 points 6 months ago

This is the most judgey comma I've seen in a while. Very well done

[-] ZOSTED 53 points 6 months ago

I felt this way with instagram. My phone can barely handle the web app and you can't even replay the video without an account. Truly garbage UX

[-] ZOSTED 15 points 6 months ago

What are the odds of a bird landing on your keys on a day when your nails are in perfect order are unbelievable

[-] ZOSTED 24 points 6 months ago

rofl "meme arrows"

[-] ZOSTED 16 points 6 months ago

A lot of indies, too. And quality isn't enough to rise above the fray anymore.

I'm not going to say it's too many, because that's subjective, but in business terms it's a "red ocean"

[-] ZOSTED 21 points 6 months ago

Hell yeah, this is the free gifts of nature in a nutshell.

[...] the “free gift of Nature to capital.” Capitalist exploitation and accumulation, as Marx explains, ultimately depend on capital’s usurping of nature’s gifts for itself, thereby monopolizing the means of production and wealth in its entirety

Probably better sources, but this is the first best one I found.

[-] ZOSTED 34 points 6 months ago

My favourite is the kind of S curve that some places have, so you just walk in, but it's private enough that people can't just leer from the hallway or whatever I'm not actually sure what we're accomplishing with doors here unless it's a very tight space I guess like if the bathroom is near the area where patrons eat at a resto? Yeah I get that, door away. Sorry for rambling.

[-] ZOSTED 14 points 6 months ago

Close, but that's a CMMOPRPG

[-] ZOSTED 25 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Just going to shamelessly paste this one for the memories

< Cthon98 > hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars  
< Cthon98 > ********* see!  
< AzureDiamond > hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > doesnt look like stars to me  
< Cthon98 > < AzureDiamond > *******  
< Cthon98 > thats what I see  
< AzureDiamond > oh, really?  
< Cthon98 > Absolutely  
< AzureDiamond > you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > haha, does that look funny to you?  
< Cthon98 > lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that  
< Cthon98 > yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > awesome!  
< AzureDiamond > wait, how do you know my pw?  
< Cthon98 > er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw  
< AzureDiamond > oh, ok.  

E: formatting EE: formatting EEE: more formatting??? EEEE: omg I don't know how to fix this anyway you get the idea

[-] ZOSTED 26 points 6 months ago

I think it's just because they're old. I've got told "ok boomer" for complaining about lines of source code longer than 80 characters.

submitted 9 months ago by ZOSTED to c/[email protected]

I've used mechanical pencils for note taking for decades now, but recently took up cursive and journaling.

Maybe I'm just not used to it, but I find my hand cramps up way more than it ever did when I was printing notes (maybe 1 to 2 pages per day).

I'm curious what other people are using for serious writing. I've got my Rotrings (naturally), but for real "heads down" writing sessions I've been using either the Kokuyo Fitcurve (a fat and light mech. pencil) or just a plain wooden pencil.

And lately I've been using wood pencils more and more, even for note taking. Anyone else dip back and forth like this?

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