
joined 1 year ago
[–] Ummdustry 6 points 1 week ago

I guess US. More likely to get blown up, but at least the weather is nicer.

[–] Ummdustry 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)
[–] Ummdustry 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oi! Keep off our funny rocks, got it?

[–] Ummdustry 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

doctrinal purists will point at the tankiest tank to ever tank and then say "nuh uh, that's a AIFPCDTSPU, no true tank has been built since the korean war."

[–] Ummdustry 5 points 1 week ago

game the system by shrinking the window and turning the DVD logos into gieger counters.

[–] Ummdustry 33 points 1 week ago

fake: The books forgot Hermiones buck teeth gay: Harry doesn't find Emma Watson attractive.

[–] Ummdustry 0 points 2 weeks ago

Lemmy.~~MarxismLenninism~~MyLandisMyLand >:^[

[–] Ummdustry 1 points 3 weeks ago

Your original comment specified a conservation of momentum, rather than energy, the formula for momentum is Mass * Velocity. 300m/s * 30 gram is the same as 19200km/s * 0.468 gram (I am told that enlarge reduce only does factors of eight so chose 1/64th the mass rather than 1/60th) The kenetic energy forumla is Half * Mass * Velocity squared, hence why lighter faster projectiles have increased energy for the same momentum.

As to Areodynamic heating, I think you are fine up to 3m, the grain of sand has a radius of 3.5mm (from volume of a sphere and density of quartz), using newtons impact formula D=L(A/B) L is the length of the penetrator (7mm) A is the density of quartz (2.64) B is the density of air (0.0012) the grain of sand should be able to travel ~15 m, even if it vapourises during that process. Though I wouldn't be opposed to 2d4 fire "splashback" to the user and any surrounding persons.

[–] Ummdustry 2 points 3 weeks ago

what did you get banned for saying?

[–] Ummdustry 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

is a "30 gram ball" some kind of archeaic unit? 30/5000 = 1/166 != 23/300 = 1/13.

but anyway, I feel this ruling would open an even better exploit the other way. Shoot an enlarged half-gram grain of sand weighing 30 gram at 300 meters per second, when it travels through the ring it will reduce down to it's original size increasing speed to 19.2 km/s, having a new kenetic energy of 92 megajoules or 22kg of tnt.

In dnd terms that's maybe 6d6 fire damage, range 10/30.

[–] Ummdustry 11 points 3 weeks ago

I have realistic and healthy fantasies.

where did he go? (
[–] Ummdustry 1 points 1 month ago

This is true of the bricks, mortar, plumbing etc... but a plurality of the cost of a house (espacily in cities, and espacily in developed countries) is location value, so the plot of land, as well as the purely legal right to build a house on that land.

In my (pretty rural) local area, the cheapest livable houses will go for £180-200,000, whilst a similarly sized plot of land will go for £80-100,000 with planning permission, £5-20,000 if there is no hope of getting planning permission (woodland) and a dilapadated structure in need of complete rebuild will go for £125,000. The actual cost of constructing a house is pretty small, and were it not for land hoarding and the town-and-country planning act (which exists mainly to protect the interests of landholders) a self-build would be within the reach of even minimum wage workers, and wouldn't even require a loan if done by professional workers.

That's not to mention landlords exist in the commercial world as well as the residential. A storefront in a major city can cost thousands of dollars a day to rent. Virtually all of the "farmers" you see hopping about in tractors are actually farmhands paying some guy significant portions of the profit for the right to dirt that has been there since before the human race. Mining rights make people ___illionaires, even if they never actually set shovel to stone.

Hence many classical economists, most notably Henry George, argued for a land-improvement split, and the value of the land to be made public good through taxation.

Me when reading is hard (
submitted 1 year ago by Ummdustry to c/georgism

A great series on the basics of georgist economics, narrated by Lindy Davies

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