[-] [email protected] 100 points 3 months ago

Please don't color part of a word blue and part of a word black

[-] [email protected] 120 points 5 months ago

Does this idiot think you can't get STDs from oral?

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Magical accidents. Potions. Demon summoning accidents.
Hitman already ventures into the absurd and this would just be one more step.

[-] [email protected] 149 points 7 months ago

Another narrative: employment was up and workers were gaining power. Out of nowhere, JP Morgan Chase chairperson started going to meetings and talking about a recession, over and over. Other businesses took his lead and started raising prices. After a while we're no closer to a recession, but we have lost a lot in standard of living.

[-] [email protected] 275 points 7 months ago

Mush didn't found Tesla. He bought it later and put in the contract that he was able to call himself a founder

[-] [email protected] 96 points 7 months ago

Motorcycle emissions standards are incredibly lax by today's standards when compared to cars. That Prius just might be releasing less toxic substances than your motorcycle - while being able to cart around more people and stuff.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Makes me realize how important curating media is for her. She's going to think any bad thing that happens to a kid is happening to her.

[-] [email protected] 112 points 8 months ago

Meanwhile, a city clerk can't accept a box of chocolates from the public, for fear of an ethics violation

[-] [email protected] 121 points 9 months ago

So, it's more interesting than this. The trees are playing the squirrels. There's a normal amount of acorns that can support a normal amount of squirrels. But once every few years, the trees make a bunch more acorns. More than the normal amount of squirrels can eat. But not frequent enough that the number of squirrels increase. So the squirrels go crazy and hide em everywhere that year, but there's no way they can eat them all, so there are a bunch of acorns planted.
Tldr: trees manipulate # of acorns to get squirrels to plant more.

[-] [email protected] 88 points 9 months ago

Reminder that farmers can spend something like a dollar per cow per year to allow their cattle to roam through public lands to cause erosion, shit in streams, spread giardia, and give farmers reasons to kill coyotes and wolves.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

San Francisco supervisors want answers from the police with traffic citations plummeting and pedestrian fatalities on the rise.

[-] [email protected] 181 points 10 months ago

"Landlords entering the party were greeted with shouts of “Parasite!” and “Get a job!”"
Some good news for today.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  1. Schedule races in only Trump counties
  2. Heavily publicize it via monster truck style ads
  3. Have people asking and recording mildly leading questions about gender and sexuality to audiences waiting to get in.
  4. At halfway through the race, inform audience that all drivers are current/former contestants on Ru Paul's drag race
  5. Profit off of video compilation of rednecks questioning their sexuality
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I might not know what I'm talking about, but if they were cached on my browser I'd see them load instantly after loading once, right? But they take a bit to load each time when viewed on opera mobile.
Seems like a good way to reduce server costs?

[-] [email protected] 94 points 11 months ago

Someone would make a killing of they created an easy to use home dashboard with an eink display. Low power, 8x11, customizable with Android apps. Refreshes once a minute. Has weather and traffic and calendar in the morning, and displays photos in the afternoon.
LCDs are terrible in terms of power consumption. But a big, slow eink would be great.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters that he’s “fine,” after freezing during a news conference on Wednesday.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 11 months ago

Cameras not being allowed is actually really good in this case. Using a court hearing as a campaign event isn't how things should be done

Air at EV charging (kbin.social)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had a tire that needed air in my tire, so I went to the gas station with my EV and got some in there.
That's great for now, but what happens in several years when the number of Gas stations declines? Gas stations have been great resources for air, bathrooms, and snacks on road trips. What is going to replace it?

[-] [email protected] 132 points 1 year ago

I thought we all agreed web3 was dead and killed by shills and get rich quick schemes. Why are people still on this bandwagon?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

With Surveillance Station, you can set up push notifications to send an email, text, or notification on mobile via DS Cam app.

I get the email service - you're authenticating yourself as the email account holder and sending an email. Do images transmit to Synology controlled servers before getting to your email inbox?

With push notifications to DS Cam, the same question. Are any images transmitted to any other servers before arriving on my phone?

These may be straightforward - but I was burned on the Eufy scandal and don't want a similar situation here.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apologies if I'm off base here, but I have two issues I'm trying to solve and unsure where I should start - whether these are two separate issues to solve or if I should get something that can do both.


  1. backup and safely store photos and videos from Android phones (in a raid array so it's redundant storage).
  2. monitor a set of 2 exterior cameras and a) throw a notification onto a phone when there's movement b) without giving footage or thumbnails to an external server.

About me:
I'm tech literate enough to Google things and copy/paste or troubleshoot based on what worked for others, but I'd like to avoid having to learn to code or run command lines. I have young kids and don't really want to have to spend a whole lot of time on this to get it to work or walk my spouse through how to use it.

Options considered:
1a) a Synology product seems like the lowest barrier to entry, but the risk seems to be less ability to fix and potentially more risk of unrecoverable data (GN did videos about this). 1b) multiple hard drives on a PC - works but would suck if my PC fries. 1c) multiple external drives - seems wonky and easier for something to fail. 1d) all of the above and hope it somehow works.
2a) Eufy looked like a good option (local storage and push notifications), until the recent scandal. I am not interested in having pics of little girls on a server somewhere, even if it is only outside pictures. 2b) a wired camera connection - however I'm not going to know if anyone is doing something sketchy unless I know to review the footage. 2c) Synology has an option - however there are the issues mentioned above and I'd also need to drop $400 for the cameras, $200 for the station, and a couple hundred for the drives. 2d) make my own mini comp - however more likely for wonky stuff and higher power draw over the long term.

Any suggestions on where to go from here?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I need to either replace my office chair or replace it's wheels - they're killing my wood floors when the chair moves off the mat.
Amazon is now an abyss of sponsored listings and fake reviews and algorithms - so I'm unable to get good feedback on a solution.
I've heard that the skateboard style replacements are good - but too rolly, leading to unwanted movement.
Any suggestions on replacements that have worked for you?

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