I noticed just after hitting 'reply', lol. I'd have gone with:
Keetz ez a dummkopf, ja? Sinks money kan buy Feuerwehr. Haha.
for maximum camp.
I noticed just after hitting 'reply', lol. I'd have gone with:
Keetz ez a dummkopf, ja? Sinks money kan buy Feuerwehr. Haha.
for maximum camp.
What's that, Du Drecksack?
Bless your heart, darling.
Agreed. Matchmaking + Dedicated server would be the gold standard.
Yeah, I feel like all of those games would be better with community ran dedicated servers instead of this modern matchmaking crap. Matchmaking really killed communities and smaller clans.
Import it as a custom filter list. The option should be on the bottom.
It's nonsense:
The LZMA implementation already validates bounds elsewhere (bufLimit). If p->buf exceeds its limit, the program aborts the decompression safely.
🚫 The claim of unchecked memory access is baseless.
I read somewhere most of the cost is payment providers, scams, chargebacks and refunds they can't offload onto the publishers.
uBlock Origin (not on Chrome) + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamengland1/miscfilters/master/antipaywall.txt
There have always been pretty tech demos without much gameplay. There was Incoming it was basically a super simple turret section showing off the awesome (at the time) capabilities of the first Voodoo card. It was impressive and fun for about 15 minutes. Still doesn't look too bad considering it came out in 1998.
Audacity (or Audition/Cool Edit how the old guys know it) is a bit smarter. It can analyze a recording of the noise floor and then just attenuate that. It's bad for quality music but good enough to improve speech, old tape recordings and records.
You might be more into the darker more serious stuff like: Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell, Berserk, etc.
It's a bit like not wanting to watch any TV show because all you have seen are RomComs. There are a ton of Anime out there for all kinds of viewers.