You took edibles it sounds like so there you're problem. They can make you super baked to the point its not very fun. I did this recently and tripped balls with strong hulucinations. I would smoke if I was you, allows you to control how high you get and you can see the effects right away. If you struggle to smoke, try a bong with lots of ice or a vape
I used to do that as a kid but now I have money I like to stay up to date and buy current games so I can be part of the community
undefined> really like doing wormhole exploration as well though and the amount of times I’ve ran into people with multi boxed ships sitting
Fucks me off too
That nuclear power plant is going to be blown up. Buy iodine pills and enjoy milk now while you can.
yeah. I think this DLC is the end of the story. i've not played it yet. Waiting for winter so I can experience the 4D
Me too. You can play and succed without multiboxing. You won't multibox abyssal space or faction warfare.
Free Speech Radicalism on the internet would be great in some places. It would be like 4chan but using I2P or Tor. I agree. Ideas need to be included so that people can be told how wrong they are and shown as idiots to the public. The internet is a good media for Free Speech Radicalism because you can always block someone and that's the end of the harrassment.
Prepping for the future
XD LoL true
Lol. Immediately takes it as an insult. He's just pissed that she shut him down right away. "Read this massive book on political theory!" "Nah nephew" "Oh! Am I think then or are you god?!"