Easiest way to grant that is:
Done. No restaurants sell chicken wings.
Want to make a wish? Just ask the Monkey’s Paw! No strings attached.*
Just create a post that starts with “I wish ___”. Other users will then grant you the wish, and probably not how you intended.
^(*)^ ^Strings^ ^definitely^ ^attached.^ ^Satisfaction^ ^not^ ^guaranteed.^ ^Wish^ ^will^ ^likely^ ^backfire.^
Easiest way to grant that is:
Done. No restaurants sell chicken wings.
OP is a monster.
Yes but for unrelated reasons
I was thinking along a similar line, except -
Done. Chickens are now also extinct.
As in, it's now law so no one can sell chicken wings unless they can procure dodo wings?
Real dodo wings. A law of nature, so it can't be broken.
Given the normal mark-up on chicken and the fact they can still sell thighs and drumsticks, there's no real incentive to clone dodos or similar even if people knew about the law.
Done. The dodo wings are from 23 million years ago, carrying with them a tertiary-period fungi that spreads rapidly and has a lengthy gestation period, rendering mammals sterile without obvious physical symptoms. Scientists notice 17 weeks after your wish, by which time the fungus has widespread colonized mycelium on every continent and infected everyone who is tested. Suicides skyrocket globally as everyone on earth realizes they are witness and participants to the final generation.
Dodos were a modern bird, not prehistoric. How did they become infested with a prehistoric fungus?
Fixed, cheers
I enjoy how you fixed it by making it more ridiculous.
Whosoever clamors for prehistory, receives their prehistory.
Shoot I am so tired I always make a final throwaway comment right before I fall asleep and it always bites me in the ass. Thank you.
You don't really need the suicides, people could simply appreciate the fact that dodos have their revenge by making us (and all mammals) go extinct.
That's why they didn't all kill themselves. Some lingered to gloat.