You probably don't like s'mores, either. They would be the other reason for marshmallows, I assume. Especially anywhere there's likely to be a campfire.
They go on top of the sweet potatoes/yams.
1.Roast or boil your yams/sweet potatoes until soft. If you buy canned, they'll already be very sweet, so taste before you add anything.
2.Discard the skins, and chop/mash the insides with butter, salt, pepper, brown sugar, cinnamon, and orange juice or milk (not both!) until you like the texture and taste.
3.Spread the mixture in a flattish oven-safe serving dish and arrange marshmallows on top. It can now go into the fridge until the turkey is out of the oven.
4.Before serving, put into a hot oven until they're hot and the marshmallows are puffed and toasted.
You CAN obviously make them without the marshmallows, but then it's just a vegetable, not a festive treat of childhood memories.
The marshmallows are there for the same reason as canned pumpkin and cranberry sauce: 🦃 Thanksgiving. There's no excuse for Poptarts.
I agree, aisle is both correct and traditional.
I'm willing to grant, however, that in a grocery store the aisles could be interpreted as the areas where the shoppers and employees stroll, around a very organized archipelago of shelving islands/isles stacked with merchandise.
My personal issue is that I've had recurring dreams where I die by drowning. It's very difficult to wake up once I've drowned, or to escape the dream past a certain point. After decades of it, I've learned to wake up immediately upon seeing any water, and/or if anyone talks about swimming. Then I have to go do something that will plant a different story before I can rest again. It doesn't always work; the last time I died ::::by being caught in a carnival-type ride that, instead of starting along the tracks, was suddenly enclosed, with water pouring down from the ceiling and filling the space, drowning all of us as we struggled to get out of the straps.::: EDIT: anyone want to help me black that part out? ::: doesn't seem to be working.
Anyway, even though the cat survives, I don't need to go feeding my demon any new ideas.
Tbf, the media they consume is full of fake news. When challenged, they even say themselves that they are just "entertainment"!
By all accounts it's a very well made film. I'm not going to watch it for my own reasons. Just in case, here's a chance to check whether you're going to be okay watching this (or another film, it's a good site generally):
How did they feel about the bird scene?
Just gonna pedantically mention that "kid gloves" aren't something like mini boxing gloves for kids and tiny-handed presidents, they're adult dress gloves made from supple kid (goat) leather. One would remove them for bareknuckle brawling. So "kiddie" doesn't quite work. Obviously this is an informal forum, but it's something to know in case you are talking about something more serious, like having to handle a difficult client with kid gloves; i.e. circumspectly.
"That fucker's fascist Putin-titty-sucking antics" is spot-on. Appropriate for any situation, imho.
Or the old joke "I lost 200 pounds of useless flab.... I killed my husband."
There's of course no reason for me to mention this in the context of Elon (and Trump)
Researchers have been working on using his blood and that of some others to create a synthetic source but aren't there yet. Even when/if they create the lab-grown antibodies, they will have to be tested for safety before you can start injecting them into pregnant women. Remember thalidomide? (Well probably not, but we know the story of how badly that went.)
I get your point, but maybe the shelves are more like big cliff-sided mountainous isles. Think Dover or Gibraltar.
For the metaphor, not the grammar of course.
I would totally agree that, for example, I would go to Aisle 4 for bread. And the sign saying 4 would indicate the shelves, not the aisle where I'm standing.