i've seen this guys shit before and never really thought it was any good, and always at least just a little bit racist. I can say for certainty that I continue to think that his shit isn't very good and contains some racist shit.
The Onion
The Onion
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
- The Onion
- Clickhole
- McSweeney's
- Reductress
- The Chaser
- The Hard Times
- The Needling
- Tattletale Times
- The Beaverton
This is the onions cartoonists parodying right-wing political comics. The whole point is to say that right-wing political comics aren't very good and contain some racist shit.
Ah that would explain it
I hope you are shit posting. But in case you aren't, this is satire.
I didn't realize I was on the onion, you may roast me. Spit roast me, even.
Thank you for this
The newest member of the Sickos Committee.
I love this new sicko variant
Makes me think they know how much we love the original.
Don't they sell "Sicko" shirts? They know our love lol
Shouldn't they be mexsickans?
Reminds of that part in the Bible where Moses strikes the rock and the water comes out and Moses is just too dang modest about the water, so God doesn't let him into the promise land.
Wasn't the reason that he hit the rock rather than talking to it?
Yeah, the actual reason was that he hit the rock and didn't praise God enough when he did it. Or something like that. It's been awhile since I've been in a church.
Jesus is next to God sitting on a throne? ... I thought Jesus was God and God was Jesus in one in the same trinity-what-ever-you-want-to-call-it
Mark 16:19:
“So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.”
Not that I believe in this crap, but knowing it has been helpful when watching Jeopardy.
This is actually funny, because on the comic Jesus is on the left side
God's webcam reverses the image. I hate it, too. You try to explain it to him and you can just see his eyes glaze over in less than a second.
Are YOU going to be the one to tell Jesus he's in the wrong seat?
I'm gonna tell Jesus to pull a cunt over his head and fuck off to Norway
Writing that out in English feels very weird
I gotta say that it doesn't get much better in Dutch.
Reading that in English feels very weird.
Well, once you pointed it out.
Thor & Oden awaits
maybe he's English and doesn't know right from left?
Well you see God the Son is seperate from God the Father, but they're also the same guy, both are part of God, but are individuals who can coexist, but God consists of them and the Holy Spirit, completely unrelated guy but also the same guy, all three are god, but individuals, but they can't be too individual, then they wouldn't be God, cause all three make God. Just make sure you know they're seperate. Or are they?
(Idk too much about this, I just find it confusing)
I'm biased but I honestly believe Jesus was preaching some form of pantheism in his day, only for it to be misconstrued and abused for power.
A lot of the holy trinity (or is that a Cajun food thing? I don't remember.) stuff and other passages make sense from this perspective rather than a 'we're seperate from some anthropomorphic god, who by the looks of it doesn't have the best track record.' perspective.
Huh. It's almost like someone just made this up as they went.
training for accepting whatever the church tells you regardless of if it makes sense or contradicts itself openly
Iirc that's what trinitarian sects believe, non- or anti-trinitarian sects specifically do not.