Bro, you should become a boxer. The amount of force you could generate with those feet would be insane.
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Puddleglum the Marshwiggle shoe shopping
Did your uncle disappear one day and leave you a mysterious envelope?
Is your best friend a gardener?
Is another of your friends too tall to stand upright in your house, especially in his pointy hat?
I came here to say something similar.
You know what they say about guys with big feet...
Big socks....
Big slippers too.
For some reasons your feet look waaaay bigger than they are. My feet are the same size and I can agree. Buying shoes is a nightmare. Luckyly we got a store that sells all kinds of stuff and this is the only place I am able to find shoes that fit and that aren't absolutely ugly.
Could we get a "-What's up doc ?"
Haha! I feel part of your pain. I also wear size fifteen. I got the height to go with them, though. Still, I live in Korea, and well, they do not have big feet around here.
I feel like you could have luck at Ross and TJ Maxx. I have fairly large feet (12). I feel like every time I go in there, next to the 12's they have like a 14+ section, and sometimes they mixed in where they aren't supposed to be when I'm looking for shoes in size 12, I see a lot of like name brand and expensive looking shoes for very cheap in very large sizes which I'm guessing manufacturers and distributors just offload to them on Ross, et al because the market for those sizes is so small and those are hard to move.
I’m 5’7” too and my shoes size is 9.5 US, and I was ashamed of my feet. Now seeing yours, those were astounding. You sure won’t need fins when go diving.
Why? I'm 5'7” with size 10, that's perfectly normal.
You should start an onlyfans for your feet. Then you could buy custom shoes with the money.
How much better at swimming are you than your peers?
You’ll grow into it
So EU size 47.
Geländevernichtungsbretter (ground flattening boards) or Kindersärge (childrens coffins), as we call those kinds of shoes. I had a friend with EU size 48, but at least he had the matching height.
That's way smaller than they look. I would have guessed a 52+. A size 47 is not unusual.
Can't be a 47. I use a 46 and IIRC it's a us 12 or something like that. It must be EU 50 or something.
Also a good one is, that you can go to the firefighters to walk out forrestfires.
My Vans are a 49 EU?
Each shoe is the size of a van
Yea eu47 is 13, not 15
Shoe sizes are all over the place, you know that anyways. I'm somewhere between 12.5 and 14(.5) when looking for fitting shoes in the us
Check out barefoot shoes, maybe they help getting a shorter shoe. My size mostly comes from a need of a wider toe box. YMMV
You could see your feet coming around the corner then about 10 minutes later you show up.
You look happy, though. I can’t imagine why 😉
okay so:
does this make running a problem or are you actually a better runner than the average person? looks like it would be a hindrance but I'm curious
obviously there are rumors about feet size ... do you find women coming on to you more because of this?
It's not a hindrance but I do think I have more "drag" than the normal-footed guy. Like I just have more weight at the ends of my legs and surface area so I don't think it helps. I can run fast though. I'm really great at swimming, where my paddle-like hands and feet really come into their own. For q2 - not as much as you'd think. Women are not so forward to make a move on me just because they think my big feet implies something else. I get more women through my natural charm.
"Natural Charm"... is that an euphemism? ;)
I dont know about that but I want to see this guy swim.
Don't know about running but it should definitely be an advantage for swimming. Michael Phelps, the Canadian champion swimmer, has size 14 feet.
As for women coming on to him, maybe women penguins?
Bro could hang 10 off an awning