Mildly Interesting

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This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.

This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?

Just post some stuff and don't spam.

founded 2 years ago

In case you aren't sure what to look for: If you look at the left side of the tracks, you can see the imprint of the wing feathers on the snow. I'm guessing this is where the bird landed on top of the prey, which it saw on the surface of the snow.


Well, actually my dog found it, but I got a short video.


Due to a pituitary issue when I was younger I have maybe a bizarre world record of the smallest feet and hands on a fully grown man. My feet and hands are normal looking but very small. They were tiny as a baby and just never grew that big. Thought you all would find it interesting - I know it makes for good chat at parties!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We showing odd eggs now? Here's mine.

EDIT: Fixing post so the image is in the post instead of in the body. I'm dumb, sorry.


In Italian “ospite” means both “host” and “guest”
@[email protected]

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by kersploosh to c/[email protected]

TL;DR: The Australian Open is streaming games for free on YouTube. The catch is that the players, court, and ball are all 3D generated. They and constructed in near-real time using cameras and video tracking software.

The loophole allows the Australian Open to show a version of live events at the tournament on its own channels, despite having sold lucrative exclusive broadcast rights to partners across the globe.

Demonstration video:


Or, as my wife said, sun's hot.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Believe it or not, Ojibwe also have a story about Paul Bunyan. He came to the area known as Red Lake and tried his de-forestation BS, but Nanaboozhoo - The Greatest Ojibwe who ever lived - obviously wasn't having none of that. They got into a fight that lasted 3 days, and finally our hero picked up a giant walleye and slapped the outlander silly with it. Paul got knocked on his ass in a mud puddle, so hard it left an imprint of his buttcheeks there in the wet ground...thats why the lake is shaped the way it is and why we were able to keep our forest. You'll never hear this story in a book, but that's basically how I heard it from my father when I was young - after coming home from kindergarten in bemidj (pauls favorite town, mwahaha!) and talking about him. That's the story behind the Paul/Babe & Nanaboozhoo statues in that town. This used to be a sign at the rez line, I remember the chimooks didn't like it and kept cutting it down. But the story lives on, and now you know . . . #native #nativeamerican #indigenous #nativepride #nature #art #nativeamericans #natives #love #firstnations #nativeart #nativeculture #nativebeauty #nativeamericanart #nativeamericanpride #culture #indigenouspeople #indigenousart #photography #aboriginal #navajo #handmade #indigenouspride #americanindian #nativeamericanculture #nativemade #indigenouswomen #nativeamerica #fashion #nativeamericanhistorymonth


1974, Guy Davenport, Tatlin!:

She jacked with authority, knowing how to slick the glair over the glans with her thumb when it began to flow, how to pace a shaftlength voluptuous stroke with a whole slide from meatus to os pubis, how to work with a loving will.


It’s interesting that the instructions want you to cup your hands around the nipple instead of just spraying yourself directly

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by kersploosh to c/[email protected]

R.I.P. ~~Biggie~~ Big Pun (damn, my bad)


Dell Technologies (formerly Dell Computer) has a market cap of $87 billion.

Michael Dell currently has a net worth of $125 billion

He might be the only founder of a large company that is personally worth more than the company he originally founded.


We describe the accidental transplantation of a malignant sarcoma from a patient to a surgeon. Using molecular methods, we showed that the sarcomas in the unrelated patient and surgeon were genetically identical.

A 32-year-old man underwent emergency surgery to remove a malignant fibrous histiocytoma from his abdomen and died shortly thereafter of postoperative complications. During the operation the 53-year-old surgeon injured the palm of his left hand while placing a drain. The lesion was immediately disinfected and dressed. Five months later, the surgeon consulted a hand specialist because of a hard, circumscribed, tumor-like swelling, 3.0 cm (1.2 in.) in diameter, in his left palm at the base of the middle finger, where he had been injured during the operation. An extensive examination, including laboratory tests, did not reveal any signs of immune deficiency. The tumor was completely excised. Histologic examination revealed that it was a malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Two years later, the surgeon's condition was good, and there was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis of the tumor. The pathologist who investigated both the patient's tumor and the surgeon's tumor raised the question whether the tumors were identical.

(Quote from the actual article from 1996)


YouTube vid that breaks it down.... Most likely it's nothing to worry about.


From the extremely entertaining "How to Become a Federal Criminal: An Illustrated Handbook for the Aspiring Offender" by Mike Chase.

We begin with the bread, the foundation of any ham and cheese sandwich. Bakery products fall squarely in FDA jurisdiction.

One regulation promulgated by the FDA, Title 21, Section 136.110, of the Code of Federal Regulations, is appropriately entitled “Bread, rolls and buns.” It sets the requirements for the most basic of bread products. For example, if the sandwich is going to be served on “egg bread,” the FDA is of the view that the bread had better contain at least 2.56 percent egg solids by weight. There are also other more nuanced bread regulations, like how raisin-y “raisin bread” must be (at least 50 parts by weight for each 100 parts by weight of flour), and that “milk buns” can’t contain any buttermilk.

Then comes the ham. Without it, we’re just going to end up with a cold cheese sandwich on our hands, and that would be sad. But this is also where the USDA enters the picture.

Ham is a meat product subject to regulation by the USDA under Title 9 of the C.F.R. Before it leaves the slaughterhouse, the ham has to be inspected by the USDA and approved for human consumption.

Next, it’s time to add the cheese to our crime sandwich. There are dozens of regulations governing the cheese itself. But whether the cheese is compliant with the federal regulations or not is only part of our concern. One slice of bread, some ham, and a piece of cheese technically make an open-face ham-and-cheese sandwich. Pursuant to the FDA’s Investigations Operations Manual, open-face sandwiches are in the investigative jurisdiction of the USDA. Once the meat-to-bread ratio hits 50:50 on a single slice of bread, the USDA calls the shots. Add a second slice of bread, however, and you now have a closed-face sandwich, and you’re back in FDA jurisdiction.


§ 311.20 Sexual odor of swine.

(a) Carcasses of swine which give off a pronounced sexual odor shall be condemned.

(b) The meat of swine carcasses which give off a sexual odor less than pronounced may be passed for use in comminuted cooked meat food product or for rendering. Otherwise it shall be condemned.


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