- He changed his mind in light of new evidence
- He gave credit where credit was due (when the world was saved)
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Yeah he let Brawndo go out of business.. I feel like in our current reality there'd be some bailout, and we'd keep on having crop failures
Idiocracy went from funny because it’s so unbelievable. To unfunny because it’s too real. But now it’s starting to get unbelievable again as it portrays a future that’s too good to be true.
Will that make it funny again?
I don't know how to tell you, but it was always very believable.
Like everything apart from them choosing the smartest guy in the room was very spot on.
I suppose I was naive in my youth.
Honestly, Idiocracy might be the good ending to America. Not only was camacho objectively better than Trump at his job, but the underlying logic of most of the setting was strong too. Increased child protections? That's good! Even if i don't think Carl's Junior should handle that. Advanced and easy medical system? Hell yeah! Legalized sex work? You love to see it! Heck, they might have kept capitalism but at least the apparent good guy in the system took over.
We genuinely might not even reach idiocracy's level in my life time.
Not to mention the beer subscription, and corporate funded clothing.
'Baitn' Channel? C'mon!
While I agree with everything else, calling Idiocracy's healthcare system advanced might be a stretch lol
They had a device that could diagnose various illnesses simply by shoving 3 rods into your various orfices. That's considerably more advanced than any medical tech we have today.
We have no idea how accurate the diagnoses were though.
It's also possible that the rods were completely unnecessary, and they were there just as a "we have to make poor people healthcare worse than rich people healthcare" measure. You know, like the hospital equivalent to Spotify ads for Spotify.
No kidding. Camacho saw the problems and wanted to solve them.
They did a President Lex Luthor arc in the Superman comic books.
Lex Luthor turned his businesses over to a blind trust, hired great people from all walks of life, including an actual teacher to head the Dept. of Education, and treated people with respect and courtesy.
Hey, you don't know all the details of the deal. Maybe he gave her a lot of rope.
Very good 😆
This image should also mention their drinking habits. On the left, only drinks Brawndo.
On the right, drinks only 12 cans of diet coke per day.
I’ll take dumb over corrupt capitalist any day of the week.
Who in the right mind spell paid like that? 💀
Dwayne Camacho
Thanks to you I learned something:
Payed is a rare word that's only used in nautical/maritime contexts. It can be used to refer to the act of coating parts of a boat with waterproof material or to the act of letting out a rope or chain by slackening it.
It's copy pasted from google 🤮, but I verified it.
This meme made my day and gave me a good chuckle. Thank you.
Yeah the harrowing thing about Idiocracy was that as dumb as Camacho was, he was still legitimately the most qualified candidate.
In the world of Idiocracy, Camacho is a good president who does right by his country, the country has just degraded too far for it to matter.
In our own stupid reality, the least qualified person is in power who has no interest in being good or doing right by his country.