There are a million ways to rebel against the new regime short of armed insurgency. In fact, you are all participating in one of them right now.
Flippant Anarchism. A lighter take on social criticism with the aim of agitation.
Post humorous takes on capitalism and the states which prop it up. Memes, shitposting, screenshots of humorous good takes, discussions making fun of some reactionary online, it all works.
This community is anarchist-flavored. Reactionary takes won't be tolerated.
Don't take yourselves too seriously. Serious posts go to [email protected]
If you post images with text, endeavour to provide the alt-text
If the image is a crosspost from an OP, Provide the source.
Absolutely no right-wing jokes. This includes "Anarcho"-Capitalist concepts.
Absolutely no redfash jokes. This includes anything that props up the capitalist ruling classes pretending to be communists.
No bigotry whatsoever. See instance rules.
This is an anarchist comm. You don't have to be an anarchist to post, but you should at least understand what anarchism actually is. We're not here to educate you.
Sure, and absolutely, not everyone would need to actively be on the front line of an armed insurgency, but don't fool yourself - this regime, and the systems that enabled it, will never go anywhere without one.
I assume you are, but arm yourselves. And get proficient. Guns and ammo are not cheap, and I’ve said it before, your hypothetical adversary, has been armed and ready for a long time.
Fortunately I'm not in the US, unfortunately fascism is rising everywhere, and arming myself here isn't really an option (I am also disabled and unable to personally safely handle a firearm), but I completely agree with you, and think all marginalised people who can arm themselves, should.
Am jealous. Apologies for the assumption.
No need to apologise, and anyway, it's not like we're that far off, a matter of months, maybe a year or two behind the leaders in the fascist race to the bottom, so these issues are just as relevant..
That may be true. I’m just a stickler for messaging.
You can be part of overthrowing this government in ways big and small. Historically it’s the “small” ways that turn the tide and, more importantly, prevent one tyrannical regime from rolling right into the next.
I don't disagree about the "small" ways being necessary, but so is violence, and any message that leaves that part out (or whitewashes history and the fact that oppression has never ended without the oppressed violently fighting back) is dangerous and oppressive.
Existing outside the US?
Damn I wish I could do that.
I meant using FOSS rather than feeding the oligopolists, but I’d say existing outside the US counts, especially if you can find additional ways to starve our economy.
Yeah all these angry words are really gonna make them go away huh.
Lol no I meant using and convincing others to use FOSS alternatives to mainstream platforms. It robs GOP collaborators of dollars, data, and agenda setting power. It’s one of many small pebbles that lead to an avalanche.
You asshole Americans couldn’t even be bothered to show up and vote against trump, y’all not getting off the couch to overthrow anything but a box of totinos
literally so true.
There was so much yapping and shit throwing going on after the election happened over on lemmy, but nobody wanted to confront the truth that trump did win, because democrats, did not vote.
This is the simple truth. It doesn't matter how hypothetically perfect your ideal candidate is, if you aren't going to fucking vote.
votes don't do shit. Guillotines sure do.
both would do it, but only if you actually use them
Until the voting system is fixed the votes don't mean much and certainly they don't mean enough
Also have you seen the price of couches?
This has been my thought since the election. We're a country of ignorant and selfish people and I'm just kinda trying to live life in the real physical world since that realization. But even then it doesn't make me feel like I live in a shared material reality with people I associate with. Social media has completely cooked a large majority of the country and nobody gives a shit.
Too fucking real dude. I have lost so much hope I didn't even think I had. I am shocked at just how wretched the average American is.
I think they didn’t show up because they lost hope. There was tons of doomerism and despair on the left leading up to the election. It seems many just threw in the towel.
It’s cowardly, IMO, to give up the fight and wallow in despair, and I confronted the doomerism wherever I saw it, including here, but I wouldn’t characterize it as laziness or asshole behavior.
Depression and deaths of despair have been increasing in the US for decades, and the people who diligently voted blue since the housing crisis have little to show for it. So while I’m angry they didn’t show, I can see why they lost hope. They need a promise of change they can actually believe in.
Yeah, we don't have the sauce and now we are drowning in oligarchy controlled media and propaganda.
The best we can do is if Trump actively destroys the economy to the point of where people start to starve.
My wife said I can't go.
Did you check with her boyfriend?
I’m cool with it, I’ll tell her he can go
Am wife. I never said he couldn't go. In fact I told both you to go and curb stomp some NAZIs while I prepped the guillotine. If you aren't looting the suburbs by sundown I'm leaving you pussy ass bitches.
Nazis you say? Stand by, grabbin the Denel 20mm AMR, brb
ID: photo of actor Sinbad in a neon pink frame...
Another feature to add to the wishlist in my head: alt text. Something Bluesky is getting right and something that I had never even considered before using the platform. Plus it's a pretty cool little writing exercise.
Plus it’s a pretty cool little writing exercise.
Not half, it can be a real challenge sometimes! Thankfully there are online image to text converters that do that part, but some images can be surprisingly difficult to describe, especially if I'm low on spoons and or the brain fog is in (E: so I generally move on to an easier one lol).. 😬
Also happy to see alt text! Are you aware of Lemmy alt text / image description feature so that the image description does not have to be in the post body?
Lemmy allows you to provide alt-text with the image already.
Sinbad is a real good Christian name
Time to revolt!
Sinbad starred in a movie where he was a secret service bodyguard for the president's son. First Kid (1996).
It's like, ok no revolution, how about a strike?
A strike? but my mouth is firmly situated on the teet of this authoritarian regime and if I release it will make them sooo mad!
"A strike, but we will need time to prep!" Didn't you say that when we talked about striking during covid? Why didn't you prep? You have no intention on prepping do you?"
A strike? But who will orginize it and spread the word? Someone's got to do all the thinking and it certainly won't be me!
The Union leaders are working on it. That's the real way strikes happen.
Nice straw men you have there. Have an actual argument against a strike: rent is due.
These are all arguments I've recieved. Would you like me to introduce the strawmen to you?
Rent being due is the exact reason to strike. If we pulled off a general strike that went national do you think the strike would end without addressing the damages its caused?
It's what ever. If you don't have the appetite to strike, you certainly don't have the appetite to revolt.
do you think the strike would end without addressing the damages its caused?
Yes. I 100% believe that a strike would either just fail entirely, or at best we'd get some half-assed "compromise" that would leave people like me worse off than before while people who weren't at risk of losing anything tell me that I should be grateful for their "sacrifices".
It would make me the happiest person in the world to be wrong.
It's OK, you don't understand how a general strike would work. Literally, if it happens, you can't fail.