i suspect its hormonal but who could possibly say.
A doctor might.
Jokes on you, everyone on lemmy are males :(. But hopefully that changes eventually! Crosspost questions for females from there to here!
Ask any question and ideally only females answer the question. Males can answer too, but ideally you state that you’re not a female.
i suspect its hormonal but who could possibly say.
A doctor might.
ive brought it up with 2 previous doctors who just say its anxiety and move on. im bringing up with my gyno at my annual.
Doctors statistically dismiss women's symptoms more often than men's. Don't be quiet about it and find new doctors if they won't listen to you.
Definitely ask your doctor to follow up on this. I went through something similar a few months ago and found OTC anti nausea pills helped me get through while my doc was figuring things out. Ginger capsules kept me from taking more time off work than necessary.
How long has it been happening?
I know I'm very late to this, but I thought I'd add a couple more ideas, in case you still need help.
ginger. seriously, it's so effective (for me, at least), and relatively cheap. you can even buy it in capsules.
peppermint oil. I get the worst motion sickness while riding the bus near me. I put just 1-3 drops inside my mask and it helps a lot. you might be able to just take a whiff of the bottle and get some relief, tbh
it doesnt really sound like this is the case, but do you drink coffee or tea on an empty stomach? I used to be able to, but now the tannins always make me sick. :(
I would suggest keeping a record of when it happens/for how long, what you ate/drank that day, what hygeine/skincare/cleaning products you're using, how much sleep you got the night before, if it's worse/better certain parts of your cycle, ect. it might help narrow things down.
I really hope your gyno takes you seriously. it sounds like you may need better doctors.
Have your blood tested & vitamin levels checked! I was low on potassium at one point and it made monthly cramps much worse.
Maybe also keep a food diary? Could be a food allergy/intolerance.
I found that eating radishes helps with my nausea.
Hope you feel better soon!
i just went to an allergist a few weeks ago and it was horrifying 😭 definitely still getting used to all my triggers. i will definitely try potassium!
Herbal scented candles. Also if you're desperately trying not to throw up, it's not good for you but smelling an alcohol pad gives immediate relief.
Try those drug-store seasickness wrist bands. There's an acupressure point on your wrist that can be effective for nausea.
IME, acupressure works best when it's uncomfortable; I suspect it works by trading a lot of one sort of pain for a little bit of another, but that's just my theory. I mention this because if you try it and it doesn't work, find the place where applying pressure to the little plastic nub is almost painful.
Placebo or not, these are effective nausea control for my wife.
Also: ask your doctor for anti-nausea meds. They're not expensive, and while prescription, aren't class-3 or whatever it is that makes doctors afraid to prescribe them. They don't work for me, but they're 100% effective for my wife.
ill give them a go! thanks
Have you had a chance to try them yet? Did they help at all?