not op but thank you <3
start now like youve just woken up for the first time. forget the past, your new life starts here.
all i really stuttered out was that a dict was key value and a list was ordered. i didnt think at all about the uses beyond that! good to know for later
this is very kind, thank you!
hooray! its not my fault im stupid
this is a good and fair point. ive been cooking so long you can probably hand me any grain, legume, or vegetable and ill figure out something decent with it. my partner often tries to learn to cook with recipes rather than instinct and it takes like twice the amount of time and work for him 😭
giving frutiger aero
i dont really get why people have so much resistance when switching foods. seasons and shortages have existed since people started agriculture and when something becomes scarce, you pivot and eat what youve got. if there was some bizarre soy disease and tofu becomes expensive, im just gonna buy lentils 🤷
boozin aint shit
real, theoretical communism is not a totalitarian regime. keep these ideas separate so we can find a path forward
girlie in the back twinning