submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm a fullstack web dev with 7 years of experience, and been casually searching for the past year or so, but most applications don't go anywhere, when I've had no problems with resumes in the past.

How have your experiences been, anyone having any better luck?

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For the last few years I've been working as an hourly part time full stack software engineer remotely, but now that school is done, I'm switching to a full time role. What are some things to keep in mind?

When I was hourly, I knew when to start and stop working because I'd simply clock in and out, but with a salary, it feels less clearly defined. There's also "unlimited" PTO, but when is it acceptable to use it?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The most famous example is probably Gitlab (https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/company/culture/all-remote/asynchronous/)

Since their IPO the work environment seems to have deteriorated though (https://old.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/152o4bb/what_the_hell_is_going_on_at_gitlab/)

Curious to see if other people have any experience of real asynchronous work culture?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey all,

Firstly, not sure if this is the best place to ask this question, but here it goes anyways.

I've been a Systems Engineer for about 6 years now, and it's fairly enjoyable. I get to program, play with hardware from time to time, but something is missing.

In my free time, I like to spin up projects on my home lab, write and host new open source projects, maintain a fairly complex network, etc.

A couple years ago, our company got hacked, and honestly, the aftermath was some of the most fun I've ever had at a job. I got to discover new tools to help my team (like Ansible to help us perform bulk actions across our tester fleet), I got to come up with clever ways to upgrade our fleet of machines to meet the new IT regulations and deploy them at scale once we got the green light to return to the labs and I got to think of new security strategies to help better protect us (my small team within the larger company) going forward.

After the dust settled, it was back to basically only programming, but I do miss when I was able to use my infra/ security/ networking knowledge for that short time.

If I were to change from Sys Engi to something else, what should I be looking for?

Finding "bad" projects (apubtest2.srcbeat.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm a software dev/sysadmin mix, ~8 years' experience, looking for work again after some time off. (Based in a capital city in Australia if that's relevant)

I have no idea how to characterise the projects that I've enjoyed the most or would like to do in the future.

The projects that I've found the most enjoyable are not the ones that you see advertised by recruiters and companies; Kubernetes, cutting-edge, greenfield projects, massive cloud accounts... meh.

Some fun stuff I've done or would like to do:

  • Upgrading that weird service everyone is accidentally relying on but afraid to touch
  • While money pours into LLMs in healthcare, fax machines were still used every day
  • Working out the "low-level" part of the system colleagues put off for 2 years because nobody wanted to read through the boring 400-page ISO spec
  • Maintaining that abandoned 500K line Java system with most errors being RuntimeException with a null description
  • Working in small teams, max 8-10 people

Any tips to characterise this kind of work to focus my job search? I know it's different from working at a software company pumping out features.

Tight deadlines and shoestring resources don't bother me (as long as I get my salary!). Having people who don't take it all super seriously along the way is super important.

How do I look for this? Trial & error? I feel like there must be... consultancies? ... working on these kinds of projcets. Perhaps there's some name or buzzwords that I need to use? Or would I need to talk with one of those mega big consultancies like Accenture?

Of course very open to the possibility that I'm being totally unrealistic and way too picky in a down market.

My bread and butter is working in Go, Python, backend and OS stuff. Networking, Linux, BSDs, that kinda thing.

Thanks all!

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am privacy conscious so I would like to use my proton.me account, but I wanted some advice. Should I use my gmail account for career related purposes or should a proton.me address be fine?

Burnout or not to burnout (programming.dev)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When I come across such infographics with tips, I sometimes wonder, if you follow all these tips, then where will you find the time to program? Of course, all this is useful, but every developer knows how much you want to get done with all public affairs and immerse yourself in the code, especially if it is the code of a project that you love. And on the contrary, if you have to write a rotten project, with a stupid team, while working for a mercantile scumbag, no matter what you do, you will be sick of work. What is the conclusion here? Either you do what you love; or love what you do. And you will have much more free time. What about burnout? We are all phoenixes...

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It was an internship for a full-stack developer role. I was given two days - today is the final day, and I did not even start with the project as I was too stressed to complete the task, worrying about designing and modelling the database part, and because I have a really vague idea about system design. The skill requirements for the project are NextJS and MERN stack - which makes little sense. It said nothing about state management library, so I was also really confused about that.

Here are the requirement of the task project:

  • make use of NextJS
  • create a LinkedIn clone, without the feeds
  • must have shareable short-link profile
  • should be SEO-optimized
  • should provide API for creating and editing profile
  • should make use of good UI practices
  • explain the reasoning behind the system design decisions
  • explain the steps required to run this application
  • use of ChatGPT was allowed
  • share this on GitHub

I think that I was being fooled - that I was being made to work on a project for free, and that this test is very unreasonable and a big red-flag into the startup's WLB. Just wanted feedback on whether I was being unreasonable?

Edit: Here's what the listing says:

Are you a passionate Full Stack Development intern looking for an exhilarating opportunity? Look no further! , an innovative company, is seeking a talented intern with expertise in Node.js, JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, and Next.js. Join our fast-paced team and gain invaluable experience in a dynamic work environment.

Selected intern's day-to-day responsibilities include:

  • Collaborate with the development team to design and implement user-friendly web applications using cutting-edge technologies
  • Develop and maintain scalable backend systems using Node.js and MongoDB to ensure efficient data management and retrieval
  • Create visually stunning and responsive frontend interfaces utilizing ReactJS, HTML, and CSS to deliver an exceptional user experience
  • Conduct thorough testing and debugging to ensure optimum performance and seamless functionality across different platforms
  • Assist in optimizing website performance by analyzing and refining code, and implementing best practices
  • Contribute to the development of RESTful APIs, integrating with third-party services to enhance application capabilities
  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and emerging technologies, sharing insights and participating in team discussions to drive innovation

If you have a hunger for knowledge, a strong work ethic, and a desire to make a meaningful impact, apply now to become a part of the team. Ready to revolutionize the world of web development? We can't wait to meet you!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honestly, I'm so done. None of the YouTube videos are helpful. Some videos have projects that are so basic and lazy, some are very much tied to a specific platform, like Cloudflare, AWS and GCP, and some are so insanely difficult, I am not sure what project I'm supposed to do.

Some say: to-do projects are too basic. Some say that URL shortener is not worth it. Some say that real-time chat apps are overdone. There's also front-end stuff, like React, Vue and Svelte. And if that's not worse, there's also opinionated answers, for back-end like for example, Rust being the future, avoiding JS or Python, or using niche backend like Phoenix or Laravel and micro-framework in some niche functional language. Then there's also this low-code/no-code stuff. We're also supposed to learn extras like Docker, Kubernetes, websockets, service workers and what-not other stuff.

I've wasted most of my time worrying about the stack and idea, that I've left them incomplete. What do I even make then as my project? A git hosting platform replica? A live-streaming social media? Almost like as if people are looking to hire a one-man army to handle the entire department. I've also completed the core lectures for FSO, but I'm still struggling.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello all! I'm a senior dev at a bank and am considering making my second attempt at Amazon's interview process. My first attempt was almost two years ago. Made it through the code challenge but not the four interviews.

I wanted to hear from current Amazon devs what it's like there right now. Pros? Cons? Any insight given current market dynamics?

I have a young family now and so going through the process again would truly be an investment for me. My main motivation is the comp package, having the big A on my resume, and seeing what it's like in the big leagues.

Do sane people still try to get jobs there? Are you walking on egg shells waiting for the layoff hammer to drop?

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm a career transitioner looking to get a higher paying job working as a Web Developer. I've been self teaching for a bit over 3.5 years now and am currently working part time at a very small start up while still working on my own personal projects and slowly researching and studying CS topics.

I have been networking, mainly online and some locally. I also have been trying desperately to get away from mainstream social media platforms (left instagram, left reddit). But I find myself being highly encouraged by those within my network to keep my LinkedIn profile maintained and regularly post as a part of appealing to recruiters. I dislike the LinkedIn platform and what I perceive to be toxic positivity that proliferates on there. I also have reservations on hosting all my code on Github, but that seems to be what everyone defaults to for showcasing their portfolio.

I generally want to use alternatives to FAANG products whenever possible, and even though it's not in the acronym, I include Microsoft in this list. I'd like to move away from using Microsoft products (LinkedIn) and their acquired platforms (Github) without nuking my potential career prospects.

This is more asking about long term advice as I believe as a new developer, this may not be possible (?).

Nevertheless, I'm seeking any advice on how to still advance my career in tech while staying off of these major platforms.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

TLDR; New web developer wants advice on how to continue to advance career without use of major media platforms, specifically LinkedIn, but also Github.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There's this new thing (to me) going around called "automated recruitment". From contacting candidates, to assessment, to (sometimes even) job offer, the person just goes through a pipeline. There are a few products that provide this experience and others that only do a part (contact, assessment, contract + onboarding, whatever else).

I ended up in one of these pipelines and was assessed by TestGorilla, which was a very unpleasant experience. So I'm curious if someone got through something similar and what their experience during and afterwards (working in a place like that) was like.

Getting an Internship? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm currently studying CS and I'll get my bachelor's degree next year. I've been searching for remote SWE internships for months now and have not had any luck. I even made a project to put on my resume and it's still just rejection email after rejection email. Maybe I need more projects? What tips do you have for getting an Internship?

I really don't want to go back to my previous job cause working with old people in rural America as a minority is literally hell. I think I might just go into omega debt instead lol.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone,

I haven't had that great of luck landing a new-grad/entry-level role since I graduated 9 months ago (May 2023). I'm thinking of changing my career focus and possibly pivoting out of tech.

For context, I have almost 6 months of mediocre internship experience as an Embedded Software Engineer. I also have experience being a coding team lead for a project as part of a club activity at my uni for two semesters, to which I actually I enjoyed. As for roles, I've been applying to Embedded SWE, general SWE, hardware SWE, and systems engineering roles.

While this experience looks okay on my resume as a new-grad, it's been a struggle for me in searching for a job, and getting through the technical interviews. There's this element of dread in looking for jobs, preparation for job interviews, doing leetcode and even while working on personal projects.

Recently I've been thinking of looking into becoming an accountant or something similar since I like crunching numbers and since credit card churning, and FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) plans interest me a lot. So I'd have to go back to school and prepare for the CPA Exam.
If I were to stay in tech though, I would consider going into IT by getting the CCNA certification, maybe.

I could use some advice from those with experience, and I could also use advice from people who have pivoted in or out of tech and how you handled executing a career change.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This dude is extremely persistent about having irrelevant things his way, and when he doesn't get it, he acts as if it were a personal attack. Do you guys have any argument or method to deal with this kind of people?

I used to say "whatever" and let him have things his way, but as I got more experienced I started to listen more to his arguments and basically respond "this makes no sense" (not with those exact words, of course).

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Be it in terms of culture, processes, challenges, ways of working...

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Seems like a pretty common pattern to move from elsewhere in the world to the Silicon Valley, curious to see if people want to share experiences.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I feel like lately a lot of job boards have become populated with scams, training courses disguised as jobs and the few jobs that are posted are just posted for show. Indeed.com is a good example as it used to be decent some years ago and now it's hard to find an actual listed job. Linkedin is okay so far.

What job board do like you use when looking for where to apply? What are some decent job boards that like you had success with? Are there any job boards aren't well known and still good?

Technical Resume Review (programming.dev)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Are there any community similar to "resume reviews" subreddits on Reddit?

[update] As suggested by @[email protected] and @[email protected]

made post in [email protected]


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello everyone,

Wanted to discuss that topic as every year a few people consider a PhD.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/11175824

Tips for getting contract work

I'm looking for part-time and/or short term contract work, but having a hard time because all the major job sites have either no ability to filter, or the posters just select every option so their post shows up in every search.

Does anyone have any tips on how to find this kind of work? Is it best to source it on my own, or are there good agencies to work with?

I'm looking for any kind of developer roll (I've done backend and full stack), and am open to mentoring/tutoring as well.

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