
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

yes, but will need some more practical usage to fully grasp.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

use readme badges.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

need for isolation inside container even with python image.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

I read some articles about using a virtual environment in Docker. Their argument are that the purpose of virtualization in Docker is to introduce isolation and limit conflicts with system packages etc.

However, aren't Docker and Python-based images (e.g., python:*) already doing the same thing?

Can someone eli5 this whole thing?


Hey everyone, Just wanted to share a django docker template I have created.


  1. Django
  2. Postgres
  3. Nginx
  4. Gunicorn
  5. Certbot


Turn joplin todo note as app widget?

Don't want to open to do note everytime, any way to turn that to do note into widget which stick to android home screen?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

crond -f without exec should also work, but that needlessly keeps an extra process (the shell running the entrypoint script) alive.

with exec it throws

setpgid: operation not permitted

Due to permission issues with the Docker user group, will avoid using exec as it introduces a potential security risk, which isn't a sensible trade-off just to keep a process running in the background.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
Well, well, alexdeathway, looks like you’ve taken the art of cringe to new heights! With a bio that reads like a blank page in a poorly written novel, it’s a miracle you’ve gathered 18 followers—are they here for the content or just to witness the slow-motion train wreck?

Your public repos are a mixed bag of “why” and “how did this even get approved?” Sure, 70 repos sounds impressive until you realize they’re mostly just forks and half-baked ideas, like "headstart-django," which sounds more like a head start on giving up. And can we talk about your "Gecom" project? A marketplace for cloud gaming and server hosting? With all those open issues, it seems like "Gecom" is living up to its name—it's a complete mess!

Your README reads like filler content from an AI model that forgot to turn off the sarcasm filter. Speaking of filters, you might want to apply one to your project naming skills—“hackweekly” is so original it could be mistaken for a second-rate magazine nobody subscribes to.

With followers just barely managing to outnumber your open issues, it's safe to say your GitHub is less a repository of knowledge and more an expansive graveyard of coding aspirations. So keep up the good work—at this rate, you’ll either revolutionize coding or become a case study on what not to do!

in comparison to the amount of shit it said, this will count as ending on positive note.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

dependency of a dependency.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

This is a great and useful tool, especially considering it didn't pop-up login/signup page after taking pdf for screening.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

guess this will get the job done.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

is there Nginx on top of Gunicorn?

you are right.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

just restarting lol.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am working on this django docker project template with this certbot setup, Dockerfile

FROM certbot/certbot:v1.27.0

COPY /opt/
RUN chmod +x /opt/

ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/"]



set -e

echo "Getting certificate..."

certbot certonly \
    --webroot \
    --webroot-path "/vol/www/" \
    -d "$DOMAIN" \
    --email $EMAIL \
    --rsa-key-size 4096 \
    --agree-tos \

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Certbot encountered an error. Exiting."
    exit 1

#for copying the certificate and configuration to the volume
if [ -f "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem" ]; then
    echo "SSL cert exists, enabling HTTPS..."
    envsubst '${DOMAIN}' < /etc/nginx/ > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    echo "Reloading Nginx configuration..."
    nginx -s reload
    echo "Certbot unable to get SSL cert,server HTTP only..."

echo "Setting up auto-renewal..."
apk add --no-cache dcron
echo "0 12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet" | crontab -
crond -b

problem with this setup is,certbot exits after initial run of getting the certificate and when it's renew time it require manual intervention.

Now There are two choices

  1. set restart: unless-stopped in docker compose file so it keeps restarting the container and with cron job to renew the certificate when required.

  2. Set cron job in host machine to restart the container.

Are there any other/more option to tackle this situation.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Bare Metal, they are injecting Ethernet cable directly into their bloodstream.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

understanding a big codebase you have never worked.


I want to do this kind of transfer.

host/client A:
          - file a
          - file b
          - file c
          - file d [host B][download]

host/client B:
          - file a[ host A] [download]
          - file b[ host A] [download]
          - file c[ host A] [download]
          - file d 

Also, I am not looking for syncthing, I need something which syncs meta data(not sure if this is the right word) not the actual files., and option to download individually or as per selection and run in background like KDE CONNECT.


I have read quite a few posts about preventing account password takeover from various malicious ways, and many OPSEC measures are there to prevent it from happening.

Consider a case where you face a total blackout or technical failure. Now, you need to log in to your password manager, which requires either OTP on email or TOTP. You don't have access to the TOTP app because the backup is stored in cloud storage, whose email login also requires OTP.

How would you prevent such from happening?I haven't found a satisfactory solution or explanation for that yet.


cross-posted from:

HeliBoard keyboard is an improved fork of the now-unmaintained OpenBoard keyboard. It does not require internet permission, allowing it to be used 100% offline.


  • Add dictionaries for suggestions and spell check

    • Build your own, or access them here, or in the experimental section (quality may vary)
    • Additional dictionaries for emojis or scientific symbols can be used to provide suggestions (similar to "emoji search")
    • Note that for Korean layouts, suggestions only work using this dictionary; the tools in the dictionary repository cannot create working dictionaries
  • Customize keyboard themes (style, colors, and background image)

    • Can follow the system's day/night setting on Android 10+ (and on some versions of Android 9)
    • Can follow dynamic colors for Android 12+
  • Customize keyboard layouts (only available when disabling system languages)

  • Multilingual typing

  • Glide typing (only with closed-source library ☹️)

    • Library not included in the app, as there is no compatible open-source library available
    • Can be extracted from GApps packages ("swypelibs"), or downloaded here
  • Clipboard history

  • One-handed mode

  • Split keyboard (only available if the screen is large enough)

  • Number pad

  • Backup and restore your learned word/history data

Hidden Functionality

Features that may go unnoticed, and further potentially useful information

  • Long-pressing the Clipboard Key (the optional one in the suggestion strip) pastes system clipboard contents.
  • Long-pressing keys in the suggestion strip toolbar pins them to the suggestion strip.
  • Long-press the Comma-key to access Clipboard View, Emoji View, One-handed Mode, Settings, or Switch Language:
    • Emoji View and Language Switch will disappear if you have the corresponding key enabled;
    • For some layouts, it's not the Comma-key, but the key at the same position (e.g. it's q for Dvorak layout).
  • When incognito mode is enabled, no words will be learned, and no emojis will be added to recents.
  • Sliding key input: Swipe from shift or symbol key to another key. This will enter a single uppercase key or symbol and return to the previous keyboard.
  • Hold shift or symbol key, press one or more keys, and then release shift or symbol key to return to the previous keyboard.
  • Long-press a suggestion in the suggestion strip to show more suggestions, and a delete button to remove this suggestion.
  • Swipe up from a suggestion to open more suggestions, and release on the suggestion to select it.
  • Long-press an entry in the clipboard history to pin it (keep it in clipboard until you unpin).
  • Swipe left in clipboard view to remove an entry (except when it's pinned)
  • Select text and press shift to switch between uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize words
  • You can add dictionaries by opening the file
    • This only works with content-uris and not with file-uris, meaning that it may not work with some file explorers.
  • Debug mode / debug APK
    • Long-press a suggestion in the suggestion strip twice to show the source dictionary.
    • When using debug APK, you can find Debug Settings within the Advanced Preferences, though the usefulness is limited except for dumping dictionaries into the log.
      • For a release APK, you need to tap the version in About several times, then you can find debug settings in Advanced Preferences.
      • When enabling Show suggestion infos, suggestions will have some tiny numbers on top showing some internal score and source dictionary.
    • In the event of an application crash, you will be prompted whether you want the crash logs when you open the Settings.
    • When using multilingual typing, the space bar will show a confidence value used for determining the currently used language.
  • For users doing manual backups with root access: Starting at Android 7, some files and the main shared preferences file are not in the default location because the app is using device-protected storage. This is necessary so the settings and layout files can be read before the device is unlocked, e.g., at boot. The files are usually located in /data/user_de/0/<package_id>/, though the location may depend on the device and Android version.

Planned features and improvements:

  • Customizable functional key layout
    • Will likely result in having the same functional key layout for alphabet and symbols layouts
  • Support for alt, ctrl, meta and fn (#479)
  • Less complicated addition of new keyboard languages (e.g. #519)
  • Additional and customizable key swipe functionality
    • Some functionality will not be possible when using glide typing
  • Ability to enter all emojis independent of Android version (optional, #297)
  • (limited) support for customizing all internally used colors
  • Add and enable emoji dictionaries by default (if available for language)
  • Clearer / more intuitive arrangement of settings
    • Maybe hide some less used settings by default (similar to color customization)
  • Customizable currency keys
  • Customizable clipboard toolbar keys (#513, #403)
  • Ability to export/import (share) custom colors
  • Make use of the .com key in URL fields (currently only available for tablets)
    • With language-dependent TLDs
  • Internal cleanup (a lot of over-complicated and convoluted code)
  • (optionally?) move toolbar key pinning to a setting, so long press actions on unpinned toolbar keys are available
  • Bug fixes

What will not be added:

  • Material 3 (not worth adding 1.5 MB to app size)
  • Dictionaries for more languages (you can still download them)
  • Anything that requires additional permissions
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Operating system: Linux Mint Package manager: APT

We are here talking about updating Firefox, which comes pre-installed with the OS.

While other packages go up to 13 MB/s, Firefox downloads remain at a maximum of 500 kB.

Get:1 virginia/upstream amd64 firefox amd64 124.0.2+linuxmint1+virginia [74.3 MB]

Should I switch to different source?


I am working on a personal website that loads perfectly on Chrome and Chromium-based browsers but crashes or doesn't bother to render on Firefox and Firefox-based browsers. I'm unable to narrow down the issue.

This issue doesn't occur in any mobile device browser(firefox or chrome).


source code:


Limitation of using drag and drop Images in

One I am aware of is the size limit that no image size should be >10 MB. Are there any other limitations when using this (for example: retention period, storage capacity, etc)? I want to link those images outside Github.

I am aware of uploading images to the repository and linking by

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