The first thing I do on a fresh install of firefox is disable pocket.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
anyone know good alternative to pocket?
Having a purse allows even more storage
Would not recommend. That's how you end up with lopsided shoulders and a bad back.
If only that was the only way to end up this way... (for the back at least).
A backpack solves both problems!
Can't confirm, now I have two lopsided shoulders.
A frontpack and a backpack!
No, but a good option that still works:
- Disable pocket from the FF home page.
- Get your personalised RSS link from your pocket profile
- Add it to RSS reader of choice
- Click pocket button on article
- Read in RSS reader
- Never see sponsored crap
As someone who has never used an RSS reader, any suggestions?
Realistically probably feedly. I don't use it but it's a reasonably good service.
This is actually amazing!
I use RSS so this will integrate fantastically
Thank you!
I tried omnivore for a bit because it’s pretty clean and seems to integrate well with other apps like Obsidian, Logseq, etc. but I found it to be a little too sparse. I’m currently using raindrop.ion and that’s hitting the sweet spot for me. I think a big part of it is that omnivore is geared strongly toward heavy readers, so as a designer I save a lot of things for viewing more than reading, and more of an archive for projects and thoughts than something to catch up with. And I’ve got my reading list, movie list, software list, and all sorts of others in there that it’s closer to a personal Pinterest than a read it later app.
It is a really nice app though so if someone’s in the market for a reading-first definitely check it out! I’m personally really digging my personal knowledge archive with raindrop.ion and think it’s worth checking out too!
I love Umibo, turns your new tab screen into a persistent full tab bookmark manager with a pretty background
Assuming you mean the save-to-read-later functionality, I hear good things about Wallabag. You can even self-host it if you want.
I've never allowed pocket to be enabled long enough to even see what it looks like, lol.
Well, it's advertising, so they will systematically and programmatically identify whatever imagery will gain your attention (which this has)
Are they watching me through my camera to see where my eyes are looking? It's not like I ever click on ads lol
I don't know how Firefox does it for Pocket, but you're overcomplicating it.
Just have to track what stays on your screen longer. They could also account for where your attention likely is on the visible screen based off what, if anything, you are interacting with (menus etc).
If you scroll past something in a second, but leave something else on your screen roughly in the middle without scrolling past it or moving to a menu for 3 seconds then it's pretty obvious which caught your attention.
This! JavaScript also supports hoverover and many other cursor events besides mere clicking, and I (an adtech engineer, now reformed) collected those types of events in our sdk
Well whatever they did, it got me to disable sponsored content lol
Rare programmer W
hustle culture protip: you can pay off rent this month by selling your soul to moloch!
Grind your soul to dust for profit!
Maybe if we didn't spend all our money on... whatever this is, money wouldn't be so tight.
TIL there are folks who don't immediately turn pocket off on a fresh install...
Anyway, yeah, that pic is pretty weird
In our Schools, Firefox is constantly reset on our profile but Chrome not. Its absolute bullshit
Pocket has been techbro nightmare shit for years. I always disable it the moment I can.
Have you tried simply disabling pocket?
I kinda liked the recommendations so I didn't, but looking in settings you can turn off sponsored shit which means I never need to see the Penny Horror meat monster again
looks like an accurate depiction of the effects poverty has on the human brain
Best Librewolf advertisement
It would be if there wasn't a very simple way to completely disable pocket
True, but if you count that on top of the other settings worth changing then it adds up. That said, I still use Firefox so I'm not even including myself lol
I keep seeing this mentioned. There's no reason to use Libre or Water or any other fork of FF if you realize you can pretty much make FF do whatever the hell you want. Then you get all the current updates and security patches as well.
I still like the idea of forks existing though, more variety is always good (I say, typing this from FF...)
What others are worth changing?
Recommended by Pocket stories on the New Tab page is a feature currently available in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, Italy, France and Spain. We're working to bring it to other countries.
i've never seen it before, thanks for the tip
So advertising, then.
yea i'll disable it when it comes to my country
Some ai generated bullshit
What is pennyhoarder? I see their articles everywhere. It’s crazy how they have managed to insert themselves so completely.
This is a perfect example of their ads working.