What about hermaphrodites? Do they just pick their favorite?
No idea, but it looks like they might just be banned from my instance.
I think they might just be banned from shitjust.works
I wasn't aware of quityourbullshit type places having a bad/toxic rep, it was always just about calling out bullshitters and posts were backed up by proof. Am I out of the loop here?
I can see the com but yeah, OP is banned already.
Edit: Looks like it might just be from my instance.
For what, a few seconds?
More or less, yeah lol
Because they will just single out every apparent ebike rider, which will of course result in people with compliant ebikes (and probably a non-zero number of traditional unpowered bicycles) getting harassed for no good reason.
One place I saw just gives you a helmet when you initially sign up, but I'm sure a huge number of their customers do not carry it with them all the time.
PSA TO EVERYONE: Any time you crash and your helmet takes a hit, REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY!
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw it lol
You can get to that speed on a regular bicycle with gears on a flat without much training/conditioning (though sustaining it can take effort lol)
I may or may not say anything depending on the situation and who the person is.