It finally occurs to me. When younger people complain about capitalism, it's the 21st century almost-feudal version of capitalism that they're complaining about.
The oligarchs/large corporations don't seem to stop wanting exceptional amounts of money more whilst everyday people are really struggling. I'm not taking about the bottom end of society who are double-decimated, but average everyday middle-classes and pensioners. Members of Governments have their noses in our trough too.
I understand what they mean now. Sorry it's taken me so long.
Add-on: I should add that I'm old now. I grew up in the change that was new-growth of Thatcher's premiership not the managed-decline winner-take-all that is the 21st century. I believed and I don't anymore.
god what a depressing comment I've made. Maybe it'll be better in the morning. π€£π