Wanted to have an explosive orgasm, didn’t have a partner
“Doctors suspect that a mental health issue might be behind this bizarre incident”
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Wanted to have an explosive orgasm, didn’t have a partner
“Doctors suspect that a mental health issue might be behind this bizarre incident”
Might be safer than admitting you're a man who likes stuff up their butt depending on where you live
So where was the squash exactly?
India … butt?
"So I was farming in the nude and slipped in the gourd field and..."
One in a million shot, doc
I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like something a doctor might consider sus.
do not kink shame. everyone can have its own fetish
I don't think he's shaming, but rather pointing out that the story in their case would seem fishy
It's worked every time for a friend of mine. He is banned from the allotment but still likes to hoover nude.
Well, if you and I ever become friends, will you promise to give me a head's up before introducing us?
Will do, it's better done before you shake hands.
According to India TV, the patient arrived at Chhatarpur District Hospital in Madhya Pradesh from Khajuraho on Saturday (20 July).
it should be noted that khajuraho is famous for temples enshrouded in thousands of carvings of people in various erotic poses. these were contemporary to the famed kama sutra.
No flared base, not approved.
The only thing worse than going to hospital with something stuck up your butt is having it become planetary news.
Why did they pose with it mid-surgery 🤣🤣
That's the dirty secret of medicine - they dick about when no-one is looking.
I think somebody sucked by dick when I went in for surgery. I woke up with a spot on my dock and it looks like a little burst blood vessel, the kind that would happen with suction.
The surgery was not on or around my dick.
Well that is quite something.
It’s fucking horrifying
That's why I don't swallow watermelon seeds
Gourd's intervention.
Act of Gourd
In gourd we thrust
Gourd damn that's a big boy!
I've seen longer and wider on porn sites. Dude just needs a proper dildo and he'll be good.
It really is amazing how much better an actual sex toy is than an improvised one. Blew my mind when I got my first one
Butt why
I just slipped and fell onto it. It was an accident, I swear!
Hahaha good pun
A select few would pay astronomical prices for that specific gourd.
A select few
I understand your doubts. I meant that a select few would be both willing and able to pay astronomical amounts of money for a “famous” gourd that had been stuck in someone’s ass.
Many would want a similar gourd, fewer would want a used one, fewer still could pay “auction” price for this particular gourd.
Sounds like a press release from Big Gourd.
He misheard bottle gourd as butthole gourd, duh. Common mistake, he'll be okay.
Sounds like the voice of experience there.
I mean, it happens to all of us once or twice.
They who is without a distorted sphincter may throw the first stone.