
joined 1 year ago
[–] southsamurai 2 points 1 hour ago

Social navigation has no business in the American constitution, period.

You're talking about rebuilding the constitution from the ground up, and you're building prejudicial ideas into it. That's fail from the beginning

[–] southsamurai 6 points 4 hours ago

More power to them!

[–] southsamurai 2 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

The language requirement is useless. Why enshrine any language over others? We're a nation of immigrants. Nobody on this continent originated on this continent, and the U.S. in particular has had waves of immigration from around the world. Tying citizenship to language mastery of only first nations languages, English, and Spanish is silly, and vaguely racist.

Why not German too? Massive amounts of German immigrants here. French is still in place names all over the country, and big parts were originally taken over by the French, just as much as the Spanish and English.

It's ignoring the contribution of Chinese workers entirely.

And, most important, there's not a single African language mentioned at all that I could see, and you'd be hard pressed to find any other diaspora that contributed as much to the success of the U.S. as a nation as the African diaspora. I'd argue that there isn't a single other group that contributed as much. Why not their historic languages too?

It's a very eurocentric selection that pretends concern about the people that got here first.

Edit: I did read it all, and the rest is full of similar poorly thought out and poorly phrased items. It would offer no improvement over the current constitution, and would only serve to reset a lot of arguments that have already been worked out. I just used that first one as an exogenous example of the weak thinking that went into it.

[–] southsamurai 4 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Pirate it.

The only important concern about consuming the work of a douchebag is them gaining from it.

Now, you may or may not be able to ignore the person having done shitty things, it might break your enjoyment of it. That tends to be more of a problem with actors and comedians because you see them, rather than their work.

Seriously, the idea that a given body of work is somehow bad because the person or persons that made it are bad is bullshit.

Cosby is a harder because a lot of his comedy, and the show, were based on him, portraying himself as this decent, fatherly, nice person. Him being a douche the entire time, knowing what we know now, it can be dissonant to see him being a dad, or joking about his wife. Someone like Louis CK, he was never portrayed as some kind of paragon, so it's easy to just enjoy his work as it is since there's no "wait a minute" inherent to his performance. You might still have trouble not picturing him being a creep with his dick in his hand, but the jokes aren't him pretending to be some upright, moral human.

Art and artist are always separate when piracy is an option.

[–] southsamurai 5 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

In general, it isn't about waiting for prices to drop, though that's definitely a part. It's more about avoiding early adoption, imo. Waiting until there's some degree of information about the game that isn't marketing, then deciding.

The goal is to make sure the game is stable, that it's something you actually want to play, and avoiding hype based playing. If the price drops, or there's a sale, that's icing on the cake.

In the case of visual novels, I don't really think it applies. The only thing you'll really avoid by waiting is any bugs that need fixing, and they aren't prone to a lot of bugs that break the enjoyment of the story. It does happen, but it isn't like the usual mobile game bugfest at launches.

[–] southsamurai 8 points 23 hours ago

A Kennedy sticking their dick into strange? Noooooo, that could never happen.

[–] southsamurai 10 points 23 hours ago

You know, that article might have a point if people hadn't been saying the same damn thing for about 49 years.

It's empty bullshit. No comedy show hits 100%. SNL, for all its flaws, has managed to keep people laughing for as long as I've been alive. Any time the cast changes significantly, people bitch about the new cast, and people bitch about the old cast, and compare casts, and bitch about everything.

I wish I could tell that writer how many times I've heard the same crap they spouted since I was old enough to understand what people were talking about, and how often those same people kept watching, and kept laughing at roughly the same frequency, only to keep saying it and repeating the cycle.

Here's a form of truth. Enough people watch the show regularly that it sells commercial time reliably enough, at a rate high enough, that NBC has kept it going. Which means that in raw numbers, it's one of (if not the) most successful shows ever. NBC as a company does not give a fuck about it being a cultural touchstone, they care if it makes money. And it does, because people keep watching it.

Any bullshit about it losing its path or whatever is a joke.

[–] southsamurai 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Eh, disgusting is subjective, but there's never only one person with a given opinion, particularly when it comes to food.

Uncooked meat can actually be delicious though, so it's kind of a double subjective lol.

While it isn't anything I have regularly, I tend to favor some steal cuts "blue", which is essentially uncooked at all in the middle. Steak tartare is uncooked. Sashimi exists, and is amazing. Then there's stuff like ceviche that's not truly raw, but isn't cooked with heat.

The list of raw meat foods could keep going, it's not an uncommon thing.

Beyond that, you can't really go by photographs for whether or not something actually matches visually. Raw meat and cured meats often do look similar in color, but not in texture. Not that color really matches, but it's usually close enough to fool the eye depending on lighting and the film/sensor.

Again though, whether or not a pile of raw meat would be disgusting is indeed something that you'll find plenty of people on either side of. And you'd likely find people that see this picture and think it looks raw, at least at first glance (it really doesn't once you pay attention to the variations in color across the slices).

[–] southsamurai 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Brobdingnagian! My favorite word!

[–] southsamurai 2 points 1 day ago

Well, we've tried shifting the bulk of calories to a more even amount. The problem comes in when trying to get 4 people on the same page. It worked out this way since I'm an insomniac to begin with, and I couldn't get everyone to have a reliable lunch schedule. After dinner, I'm not hitting bed until midnight or so, and we have dinner by 6:30. We could probably do better, but it would take the adults agreeing to eat the same thing, which is like herding drunken cats.

About the only thing I add sweetness to is my biscuits unless we're doing something specific as a dessert. That's one of those things where if a spoonful of something is going to throw everything off, then it does. Well, that and the occasional cup of coffee or tea, but that's in the same category.

As far as alternate milks, I don't dislike them. Oat is my preferred, and I'll do that in cereal or coffee sometimes. I just have to use some dairy of some kind or my guts hate me. So I might as well just drink milk since I can get it for about half of what it costs in stores, and know exactly how the cows are treated, how the milk is processed, etc. I used to just do fruit and yogurt for breakfast, back maybe eight or nine years ago. But my cousin doesn't make yogurt, just cheeses, so I'd be back to paying more for stuff I can't verify the conditions of. I keep trying to talk him into yogurt, but the last time they tried, it was a loss for them; not enough local demand.

It's one of those things where I could consume less milk as milk, but it would just shift to a different kind of dairy product to keep the lactobacilli happy and active. Since the milk is way cheaper with the family discount than any other option, I just go with it.

I'm thinking of trying to make my own jams and jellies again though. It's a pain in the ass, but it's cheaper, and I can use way less sugar than branded options in stores. I haven't yet because the only reliable sources locally are usually first come first serve, and I can't always get to the farms when things are ready and then do the picking. Only one place will pick for you and sell directly. The rest, if they're going to have to pay pickers, they'll just sell the crop off in bulk and get a better profit margin. Can't say I blame them.

[–] southsamurai 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Hmm, it's pretty variable.

I don't do a breakfast at all, it's more of a brunch. I'm nauseous when I first wake up.

First meal is usually a bowl of cereal, whole milk, whatever the single serving on the side is. Sometimes it's a biscuit with a teaspoon of jelly/jam/honey/whatever, and a pat of butter. Less often, it'll be something like pancakes. It's always something carb based because that's all my stomach can handle as the first food of the day.

Then I'll do something simple towards early afternoon. A sandwich, rotating between various meats w/cheese, pb&j, that kind of thing. Usually something fruity along with. Depends on the season, but we keep something around all year, even if it's just bananas and apples. Sometimes the fruit is the sandwich, sometimes it's instead of. Now and then, I'll do up some eggs, two or three, since our hen lays more than the rest of the household will eat before they go bad.

Dinner is usually bigger. Assuming someone is able to cook that day, it's almost always going to be veggie heavy, we too damn poor for a lot of meat. There's no steady menu, we buy what's on sale, or what's available from family that farms. But it'll typically be something like a big spoon of legumes; a similar size spoon of whatever we have between corn, rice, maybe something like quinoa or potatoes, running towards the starchy end of things. Then will be the "yummy" veg. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cooked greens, okra, carrots, sweet potatoes.

Most of the yummy veg is roasted because that's what we prefer. A little olive oil, some salt and pepper, whatever herbs or spices work well with the specific veg.

The no meat days, it'll be multiple yummy veggies, sometimes a medley.

In any case, that's where I really splurge. It's going to be a heaping spoon/spatula full of those. Two if I'm really into something with a craving.

Meat days, that's typically going to be chicken unless it's a special occasion. We usually go with breast meat because it can store better without turning funky. Approximately a half breast per person. Now, most of the time, we get that from family. I've got a cousin that does chicken farming alongside his corn. They're red rangers. Not as big as some breeds, but they grow fast and do it almost entirely free range. So the pieces we eat tend to be smaller than a thigh you might get at a store. Usually around the 6 ounce range, though that's obviously variable. Each breast comes in a little under a pound most of the time, after trimming and such.

Red meat tends to be ground beef, maybe every other month or so. I make some wicked meatballs, sometimes we'll do burgers or a meatloaf. I never bother to measure much. We get our meat from a different cousin (yay for country life lol) that runs a dairy and raises a few steer for the family as a whole, so it's cheaper than buying at a store (and better tbh). Usually a pound, pound and a half at a time. Split between 4 or 6 people, two meals each, depending on what we make with it. Those meals, I couldn't tell you any measurements at all beyond that. We plate with a generous helping, but splitting it into amounts per person rather than a specific serving size.

Snack wise, I tend to not snack. But we keep fruit around, so that's usually what it'll be when I feel like having one.

Now, I do have my splurge choices. Stuff that's purely for pleasure. I keep some dark chocolate around, and I'll allow myself 2 squares a day if I want them. It isn't every day, but a few times a week. I love me some chocolate milk, and I'll have a 16oz cup once or twice a week, though I'll add a smaller cup if I'm having a pb&j. Sometimes that's a store bought, sometimes it's from syrup.

I have a ginger ale or ginger beer as needed when my stomach is extra grumpy. I keep a few bottles of bundaberg in the fridge and cork them after I pour a glass. I think they're 12 oz bottles? It's into a cocktail glass, and it usually takes about half a bottle. That might be every day, might go a few without. Rarely, it's a couple of times a day.

Now, that's the norm, the way it usually is day to day. Days that nobody is physically up to cooking, we end up having shitty freezer food because it's realistic. Chicken strips, prefab lasagna or pizza or whatever. My and my wife are both disabled, and my dad is old as fuck. So on the bad days, we feed the kid the good food and eat the cheap freezer crap as fuel. Which fucks up dietary balance (and calorie count), but it's the best we can do some days.

[–] southsamurai 10 points 1 day ago

There really isn't much in the way of empirical evidence regarding this. It would be difficult to set up studies and experiments to even get to get that evidence.

So, you're stuck with anecdotal info.

On that level, absolutely. I did health care as my main job from 92 until 2008. Nurse's assistant.

During that time, my two biggest patient bases were geriatric and hospice. People that were dying, in other words.

The patients that had no dementia lasted longer than the ones that did, in terms of time from needing an NA to keep them cared for to time of death. The ones that had a goal, a thing they wanted to see happen, or to do, absolutely did better not only in terms of time, but in how they managed their life until they died.

Something as nebulous as "will", that we don't even have a way to quantify at all is difficult to impossible to credit with anything at all. But we know that the mind and body influence each other. But I am convinced that we have some ability to maintain our lives to some degree in extremis. The only question is how much, and how much of that is individual.

Looking back at all of it, things blur, but there were so many patients with terminal cancer that just didn't die while moving towards a goal, that died within days of that goal being met. And it really didn't matter what that goal was. Could be something as minor as seeing crocuses bloom again, to something like seeing their child married or graduated. But it happened so fucking often it's a little scary.


Somehow, I missed these guys. A whole year I could have been enjoying the fuck out of this. I feel robbed

Bumblefoot (self.backyardchickens)

Well, it happened. We have a bird with bumblefoot.

So I've been looking at what needs to be done. All the home treatment options are within my skill set from doing human wound care as a nurse's assistant.

But should I do it is still a question. All the online stuff seems to be biased purely in favor of that, and while it seems to be true, I can't help but want to make sure it isn't malarkey.

So, any of you folks have any input? For it, against it, or specific preferences as to which methods to use?

Again, I've handled similar situations with humans, including the removal of deep "kernels" or roots from cysts and abcesses, so I know I can do the job right, I'm just wanting to make sure I should do it myself rather than have the hen dealing with the added stress of travel and the vet visit.


One of two instrumental tracks they have, the other being Stompin Nachos

This is their first album of studio recorded music, and I'm digging the hell out of it.

I picked the instrumentals just because we don't tend to see a lot of that here on lemmy.


This is epic




In any language, this shit is brutal


Because everyone should hear this at least once


Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

It is, however, unforgettable.


Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


Thrash in your face!


I think my face is melting now

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