
joined 2 years ago
[–] southsamurai 1 points 10 minutes ago

Generally, once it's dry, it's a permanent stain, and likely some deterioration of the materials. It won't be major damage, as in making them fragile, but they won't look nice.

Remove all visible matter, obviously

Get a bowl and an old toothbrush, along with some rags.

Laundry detergent, preferably without dyes or scents. Be aware, that the colors in some detergents will stain leather, and might the soles.

A few drops of white vinegar, a few of the detergent, and some warm water in the bowl. Dip the brush and scrub gently until as much of the more ingrained matter is gone, and you're no longer seeing the brush pick up anything that discolors the liquid. Now, in most shoes, that might never happen, so you might have to settle for it reaching the point where the colors of any stains are even. No telling unless I was there and doing the work; even pics wouldn't help.

Switch to plain water, and clean the brush well, so that you can use it to remove soap residue.

Use the rags to dry the shoes as much as possible once finished.

The next part is where you gotta buy stuff. You'll need a leather conditioner, and a cork sealant/conditioner if the cork was soiled. No way around it, no shortcuts because you're already going to be stripping some oils from the leather, so cheaping out makes no sense. But it can be the inexpensive stuff.

Also, don't use other kinds of soap. Laundry detergent is going to strip the least amount of oils.

You can maybe get by with bypassing all of that if only the leather is dirtied, and just buy some leather cleaner, but I can't say it works any better; it just takes less steps.

From there, air dry. You can use a blow drier on low heat if you want

[–] southsamurai 3 points 28 minutes ago

Great episode :)

Murray at his most charming and still restrained.

I could tell Sean was fanboying a little though, not that I can blame him

[–] southsamurai 3 points 30 minutes ago

Ay gurl, that a whistle pig on yore haid, or are you just happy to see me?

[–] southsamurai 1 points 33 minutes ago

That is the best way, yeah

But you can roll out the dough easy enough, or press it using heavy pans and a cutting board (though a roller is better). If you don't have a proper rolling pin, a big enough glass bottle works.

The flour, that's a big barrier. No flour of any kind = no bread of any kind. But, if you would be going to the store for tortillas, you can get flour and whatever else you'd want to use.

You really only need flour & masa, fat and water. The king Arthur site has a solid 50/50 recipe, that can be tweaked for different ratios with little or no trouble. I favor lard over coconut oil myself, but coconut oil works fine

The baking powder isn't necessary (or useful tbh). I'm not really sure why they use it, because the one time I tried it, it didn't do anything at all. Tortillas aren't going to rise enough to be a benefit from it.

A flat pan, yeah, you kinda need something flat to cook them on, but any pan you have should be flat enough. It doesn't take a specialty pan at all. The folks a few doors down from me that are actual Mexicans use a cast iron skillet, not anything special.

Ngl, if you're going to make them a lot, a press is much faster. But you can usually pick up used ones on ebay cheap, if you wanted to go that route. I don't use one though. I make them maybe four or five times a year? So a press seems like a waste of space in our already full kitchen. I make them on my kitchen table with just my old rolling pin. I have arthritis too, so it isn't like I'm really pressing them super hard with it. Just medium pressure and patience.

Masa isn't always available everywhere though. We have it way out here in the mountains though, so I don't doubt you could at least order some online, if you wanted to spend the time and energy.

No joke, I know what you mean by something like that being a bit more work than it's worth when you're working and trying to live an active life. I have nothing but time, being disabled, so the tiny cost savings coupled with the enjoyment of it is enough for me to be willing to sometimes, but not every time.

But, I'd say a batch big enough for 4 people having two or three meals is maybe an hour of work for me? A little longer or shorter, depending on how I'm doing that day. For one person, that's a lot of tortillas, and they store okay. A few days just sitting around, maybe a week in the fridge, with a loss of texture. They can be frozen, but I tink the texture goes to crap, and they fall apart too easy once defrosted

[–] southsamurai 5 points 2 hours ago

On .world? It would get shut down.

Such communities already exist elsewhere, mostly at

[–] southsamurai 1 points 2 hours ago

Well, there's two things I think you're overlooking.

First is that a child's brain needs time the get to the point where it's realistic for them to exercise their right to death.

While it's debatable whether or not it's good to suspend rights until adulthood, or near adulthood is reached, it is standard practice. Since the concept of informed consent exists, and children do have reduced ability to make informed choices the younger they are, there would have to be a cutoff point of some kind, even if it was lower than most people would find acceptable to begin with.

As such, lifting that suspension of the right to death for children, when it isn't even always accessible to adults that can, reasonably, make an informed decision just isn't practical on any level. So they shouldn't be allowed to exercise that right, at least at present.

The second aspect is that a child cannot reasonably exercise that right by themselves. While it is entirely possible for even very young children to take their own lives, taking it in a way that leaves their organs viable would require adult, medical intervention.

So, the child would be asking someone else to kill them. By any normal standard, taking the life of a child that is not terminally ill would be unacceptable. One can argue that taking the life of an adult in that situation is bad enough, but in order for a child to make that choice, someone is going to have to either lack a conscience, or set all of their principles aside.

Since the person lacking a conscience couldn't be trusted enough to only take part in approved ending of lives, that is an unacceptable option. Since someone that does have a conscience would have to be compelled or outright forced to perform the act, it's not just unacceptable, it's cruel to a degree worse than whatever pain might be caused by refusing an otherwise healthy child their right to death.

I'm sure, based on the body text of your post, that you feel the child should have a right to choose to end their life, and would not be convinced otherwise. So, this comment is directed specifically at the title itself, wherein organ donation is a criteria.

Organ donation requires that the death occur in a way, at a time, that the organs are sustained until they can be removed and transported. There is simply no realistic way to kill oneself that can guarantee that possibility. Even adults that have tried to achieve that goal fail almost universally, and they have to choose means of doing so that a child could not successfully arrange on their own. It's a matter of access and physical limitations. So the only realistic way to do it means someone trained is going to have to do the job. There's absolutely no way around that limitation because once cell metabolism starts shutting down, organ viability fades way faster than someone could be transported to a hospital.

Organ viability isn't even a guarantee when death occurs with medical support on hand, things can go wrong. And even the best EMTs and paramedics out there can only do so much in the field, so the chances are already pretty damn low if you aren't right there in a hospital with all the technology available.

There are also arguments against allowing a child to exercise their right to death that aren't about the practicality of organ viability, but I don't think you really want your mind changed at all, much less about your own pain that leads you to want this option. So I won't waste your time with those.

I will extend the same offer I did in your other post, that if you do want advice or alternate perspectives, I'll give mine. But I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass, or waste either of our times otherwise, beyond also saying that I hope you discover a reason to hope again, and that your life gets better.

[–] southsamurai 1 points 2 hours ago

Damn, that is one hell of a vent.

Not going to try and counter any of it, unless you want that, but I see your pain, and sympathize.

[–] southsamurai 1 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Fair enough!

It is simple, but it's definitely an energy and time drain. No reason to chase it if those are lacking for you.

[–] southsamurai 3 points 2 hours ago

Ha ha! Hoist by your pertard! You used this C/ again, you scurvy dog!

That was the ridicule I promised

[–] southsamurai 2 points 2 hours ago

I'd point more to barrels, recipe, water, and specific processes, but I ain't mad at your take :)

[–] southsamurai 2 points 2 hours ago

Adorable octopode is adorable

[–] southsamurai 27 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (1 children)

Supposedly, it isn't extinct. There has been word that the plant was found growing somewhere, Turkey maybe? I'll go look after I hit send on this, but it matches all the descriptions.

Edit: yup! Turkey


I'm not sure how much the video influences how much I like the song, but the song is definitely great


Been waiting for this :)


Another example of a band that's great, but manages to be even better live.


One of those bands that floats under the general public awareness but brings some serious music anyway.

This is a new track, but their entire catalog is just amazing


Sorry, my hand has frozen into position like this: \m/


Tipper Gore is turning over in her grave



Dre, creep to the mic like a phantom

Well I'm peepin', and I'm creepin, and I'm creepin'
But I damn near got caught, cause my beeper kept beepin...


I listened to metal and all I got was this septic flesh


I love this group, and despite the recording of this being a little off because of the room they're in, this track is a great intro to how they are live.


Am typing this with my dick because this was so heavy it crushed my hands


This hits like you done sassed yo granny and she grabbed a broom handle

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