A beautiful stick indeed.
I'd spend an hour debarking it with my pocket knife, round off the ends and smooth out any sharp edges.
Then not feel like going for a walk and go inside to make a meal instead.
A place for enthusiasts of sticks of all shapes and sizes. We all love a good stick! Is it a walking stick? Light Saber? Gun? Looks brown and sticky? You decide!
Feel free to post sticks to rate, sticks that look like things, memes about sticks, long winded rants about the superiority of birch sticks over oak, anything stick related! Natural sticks are preferred, but modification and ornamentation is also fine.
A beautiful stick indeed.
I'd spend an hour debarking it with my pocket knife, round off the ends and smooth out any sharp edges.
Then not feel like going for a walk and go inside to make a meal instead.
A fine stick indeed!
Birch! After oak my favorite wood. Good pick.
Was always a fan of Birch as well. The bark is so unique compared to other North American trees
That's no stick, my friend. That is a staff.
If there was a stick beauty contest, this would for sure be a winner.
Such symmetry!
Such character!
Such versatility!
Truly, a stick among sticks.
Very nice of you to leave it for another stick enthusiast to enjoy. It is indeed a fine stick.
Careful! It might be holding up that tree.
Til, there's a whole sub dedicated to sticks.
Sworn enemies of neverbrokeabone
We hiked a mountain near us not too long ago, and there were 7 sticks like this at the trail head. Loved to see it.
Congrats on ur stick
I'd be stoked to find a stick like this
That stick is just begging to be taken on a journey.