If it'd cost less than say 2x what it'd save, I'd say it's beneficial. Making it obvious that corruption isn't going to work has value, but no need to do really extensive audits just to get the last 0.1% of mistakes/fraud.
He referred to the whole legundarium as growing from a single small idea. I don't know if we know what it was, but it started that way.
Love the upright qualifier, since the last one fell over.
Yeah I think decontamination is standard. But why is this bad for public space exploration?
And just backwards comparability. Web developers aren't going to fix their old site for your new browser, so you'd need to use the ancient convoluted code base to access them.
Unless you're okay with only using the big new websites. Is it most people only use 4 websites regularly?
Yeah that's the most common case. It's big construction, so there'll always be some hazard there.
Solar is a little lower than nuclear, presumably because you don't need to work with heights.
Do you have charge/discharge voltage curves for each? I'd imagine if they look practically identical it'd be fine. The issue I think is that the curves for LFP are a lot flatter than NMC.
It'd be more like Fukushima, right? Flooding damage rather than a design flaw explosion.
It actually is though. Even counting Chernobyl it has fewer deaths per kwh than wind energy.
Shrinkage while drying may be tricky. You can get all sorts of nasty stresses and irregularities depending on how much it shrinks while drying. Some metal 3d printing has mild shrinkage and gets around it somewhat with massive computations so it shrinks into the right shape, but I don't know how accurate that is.
Which isn't as good as them giving it directly, since Ukraine was already receiving the interest from these assets.
As I understand it, profit is price minus costs. Profit margin is the percentage of the cost that is profit. So I don't see how they're getting more profit out than the total price? Are they counting extra value from selling or training on the prompt data?