It's such a ridiculous kind of fake self persecution. No one gets in trouble for saying "Merry Christmas." Some people choose to say other things that are more inclusive, like "Happy Holidays." One person saying "Happy Holidays" doesn't prevent another person from saying "Merry Christmas."
Religious Cringe
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Republicans in a nutshell
But holiday tidings are a zero sum game!
Yes, if you're happier, I must be less happy.
The war on Christmas will continue until it refrains from the occupation of November.
November? They had Christmas stuff out at Costco in September this year!
Everyone's talking about Christmas taking over the year, the retail chain I work for in Australia is bringing in hot cross buns for water for sale the week of Christmas....
"No Billy, you bullied a Jewish student for celebrating Hanukkah"
Has anyone, anywhere, at any point in time faced any consequences at all for saying merry Christmas?
It started because corporations offered guidance to their retail employees that shoppers preferred "Happy Holidays" because it was more inclusive. Retail drones were told what to say, and when Christians got wind of it, they lost their collective brain cell.
So those Christians spend December berating retail workers being paid so little they're forced to rely on food stamps for saying the wrong thing while imagining themselves free speech warriors.
As a kid, I always thought it was because it was shorter than "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," which was very common until the proliferation of "Happy Holidays" where I grew up. I have to imagine retail employees were glad to cut in half their mandatory goodbye phrase regardless of the reason.
I'm an atheist and ethnically Jewish and I've never enjoyed Christmas. If anyone would be attacking anyone for saying, "Merry Christmas," it would be me.
When someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, my usual response is, "thanks, you too."
Because, unlike Conservatives (apparently), I'm okay with people saying something I don't agree with when they're just trying to be friendly.
Meh, I make a point to say happy holidays back just because I like getting a rise out of idiots.
I mean, I imagine under Nero is was somewhat frowned upon. But since Constantine not really
You know what - I'll give you that one lol.
You can’t say the C-h word, yet there it is, spelled out your comic? (*side eye*)
The war on Christmas will end when Christmas stops encroaching upon November.
Christmas is permitted only up to, and no earlier than, the day after Thanksgiving.
Any earlier and you might as well have Halloween in January.
That's too early. Christmas can start on December 1.
It's weird - in all the years that I've been seeing and hearing this stuff about this "war on Christmas," the one thing I've never seen or even heard of is anybody actually being punished in any way for saying "Merry Christmas."
Well of course, because for all intents and purposes nobody is going to care if you tell them Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, because everyone understands the intent.
The only people who think there's a war on Christmas also think not being allowed to enforce their theocracy means they're being oppressed.
They had to make it a comic because it just doesn’t happen otherwise
The head canons are insane lmfao.
If a progressive school is sending you to the office for saying Christmas, they’re probably just going to have a chat about being more progressive with our well wishes to include everyone.
You wanna exclude people that’s fine, but don’t label the people trying to be the most kind as insane or assholes. lol.
A progressive school wouldn’t even do that in the first place, because it’s the surest way to get the ever living shit sued out of you over 1A because of one disgruntled parent
I almost didn’t notice this was “religiouscringe”. I was wondering why this shit got posted, and was a split second away from downvoting.
Why say S-h word instead of just S word? Is there an S word I'm forgetting that they felt the need to differentiate from?
Could be slut or even sucks (remember some adults getting upset at that for some reason).
My kid came home from school saying he'd got into trouble for saying the S word. After much cajoling I got him to tell me what it was: "stupid"
Shiney Turtles
Psst! Your balls are showing!
Buh back before it was an authoritarian religion the authoritarian religion fed us to lion! So we get free boot points when we be authoritarian, and only us don't talk about your problems that is feeding us to lions IN MUH TIMES. oh /s
-no one ever lol
Here we go again
Sheriff and firetruck