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[–] yunxiaoli 1 points 6 days ago

That's one way to use immigrant labor in a largely xenophobic society that has gone too far into capitalism to avoid immigrant underclass labor.

[–] yunxiaoli 4 points 6 days ago (3 children)

The Israeli public, at least 60-68% of it consistently supports genocide, even as they are direct witnesses and for the most part due to mandatory IDF enlistment, participate in it.

Most people in Russia hate their government and military, beyond some basic notion that they should be the toughest because they're Russian. Most people in China, especially the military, have nothing to do with any alleged genocide.

But the Israeli public is different. That is why they get less respect.

The Nazis were popular in Germany for a time, the Israeli government is no different at the moment. Both populations should not be respected even a little, given they have largely chosen and supported attrocities.

[–] yunxiaoli 3 points 6 days ago (13 children)

Asking for one that isn't a genocidal maniac shouldn't be the impossible bar that you consider perfect.

I don't know about you people, but I'm not a genocidal person, I don't think genocide is a good thing, and I don't believe a cult of fascists have a divine right to kill the brown people.

I don't think it's that big of an ask to have at least one candidate that believes the same as me in this very common notion.

[–] yunxiaoli 5 points 6 days ago

There's a level of mental gymnastics here that I've not seen since before the bad place banned me.

Green cards can be revoked, as a punishment after a jury trial for a felony. None of that happened, ice revoked a green card unilaterally. Given they broke the rules there, they will break the rules on citizenship when it interferes with their goal.

Ice is already infamous for detaining us citizens for months at a time. Why wouldn't they push that further?

They've also reported us citizens 'by mistake' several times during the Obama and Trump I presidency.

Also deporting the kids is deporting the kids regardless of other circumstances. They were processed for deportation through ice. That will forever be on their civil records and make life harder if the US is still around when they grow up and if they're stupid enough to ever try to return.

[–] yunxiaoli 4 points 6 days ago

Most legal immigrants in the us skew right wing and tend to hate immigrants of all kinds, believing themselves to be the only ones worthy of immigrating and believing only their struggles matter.

After all you tend to immigrate to countries you share values with if it's your choice; it's only natural the worst of the worst legally immigrate to the US. From doctors that only care about money instead of patients to former slave owners fleeing prosecution for their crimes against humanity.

[–] yunxiaoli 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

A few of the people that voted will be deported, given ice can unilaterally remove green card status, they can do the same with citizenship.

They've already reported us citizens at this time, just those were children.

In any case Latinos for Trump is a real group, in Florida many of them being ~~gusanos~~ Cubans who used to own slaves and illegally immigrated to the US (by trumpian definitions) and claimed asylum. Theyre at as much risk for deportation as any other brown person.

[–] yunxiaoli 22 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The studio is dead, practically all members split up in typical leftist infighting fashion. The remnants of what was left can be thought of as nothing more than a passing capitalist nightmare.

[–] yunxiaoli 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

They've argued quite differently than drag, and if I recall their account is significantly older than any known drag alts.

Lets be honest this happened in a .world comm, they arent exactly known for being unreddit-like in their decisions. It wouldn't surprise me to find out later they just made a mod mad by pointing out a mistake or making them look bad in a discussion.

[–] yunxiaoli 5 points 1 week ago

The UK is the primary reason Zionism exists. Let's not pretend they're victims in this.

[–] yunxiaoli 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

...if people based their image of the character on either the manga or anime, they'd have an image of a white European woman.

That is what both the manga and anime describe the major's main body as, and depicts it the same.

[–] yunxiaoli 4 points 1 week ago

They're including the entirety of China's media budget.

While I agree things like npr, pbs, and local newspapers are propaganda, you guys typically don't. So it's silly to compare the two like that.

It's like saying the entirety of the UK's tv license fee is just for state run propaganda; and that's not fair, channel 4 exists and works against UK state propaganda.

[–] yunxiaoli 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Complimenting people is gross, you're supposed to just quietly shit on them while praising their accomplishments as long as they themselves are flaw free humans.

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