We've had that for nearly a century, it's just state fair food because even Americans have standards.
joined 1 month ago
Guaranteed asylum claim? Sign me the fuck up.
Free travel outside the US? Sign me the absolute fuck up. Who the fuck is wanting to stay in this shit hole, exactly?
Your grandparents oppression doesn't give you the right to genocide others. If you're Jewish and not genociding others, then you're not being talked about here.
Israel in it's current state must be dismantled and given back to the people.
Because Nazis don't threaten capitalism, whereas what defeated the Nazis does.
Just a reminder, gorillas have a penis bone.
Pay a living wage.
No, the tense is different. Reread and try again.
Maybe ask yourself why I included year between purchase statistics.
The person that grabbed the food is at fault, same as a grocery store, food pantry, or nearly anywhere else.