Absolutely yes, but also, choose your targets. Walmart ain't gonna miss it. The local bodega will.
A sibling is a lot easier to approach in a lot of subjects than a parent, I think. Sometimes this is what a person needs, and if their sibling is willing and able to meet them on that this is just a good personal family dynamic.
Truly it boggles the mind.
Unfortunately they not only exist, they also vote.
Blocking them is good for personal mental health but does not in any way solve the problem. It just leaves them to fester inside their own echo chambers.
Pay me twenty bucks and delete discord
Once every year or two I'll pull up the song that I attempted suicide to and cry my eyes out for a while. It's good to flex your emotions in a controlled space. Helps keep you well rounded, IMO.
For anyone curious, since I'm sure someone will be - 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun
I mean, fake tweet or not, it's made up entirely of words and phrases he's been barfing all over us for several years now. Each of these sentences individually have been tweeted by Trump multiple times.
Of course. Backwards compatibility for Nintendo died with the original Wii. That's almost certainly never coming back.
Sure, that's fair. And you might have had good parents. But that does not always generalize.
Aesop fans in the wild? On MY Lemmy?
It's more likely than you think
Sekiro is a lot more lenient on its parrying than Souls is. Whenever you see an attack incoming just mash the hell out of the block button for 1-2 seconds, more often than not you'll get the parry. It's the only Fromsoft game that allows that without punishing it.
For some later bosses you'll have to actually get their timing down but that'll carry you far enough through the game for you to get your feet under you.