Actually I'm guessing this is a localization failure
1 horizontal/1 vertical + laptop.
Horizontal is directly in front of me, used for whatever I'm currently focusing on - usually IDE or browser.
Vertical is to the side, used for anything auxiliary to my current task - browser, bug report, notes, chat, git gui, etc.
Laptop monitor is for anything I want to monitor, but don't need to look at constantly - logs, news, incoming bug reports, etc.
I also make use of virtual desktops, so I have one for chat/email/general browsing, one for code editing with browser, git gui, IDE, and one for notes/zoom. Laptop screen doesn't shift with virtual desktops so I always keep the monitoring open.
Please, let's get a little better data in here...
UPDATE real_influencers SET inactive_date=2024-03-29 WHERE name = 'Simon Riggs';
One of my biggest annoyances when talking to (especially older) people about my job as a software engineer is when they're like "but how are you still working on it? Don't you just like, make the app and you're done?" They don't realize the amount of work it takes to write everything, because they don't understand the complexity involved in writing software.
Though it's not as bad as "so I have an app idea... It's like Uber but for clothing"
Also, I was just looking this morning at writing something like that Fitbit/influxDB integration for YNAB (You Need a Budget) for visualization in grafana!
I usually don't pay much attention to the "new software" section, but PerPlexed looks pretty cool! It never occurred to me that it would be possible to create an alternative Plex UI from scratch like that
I read the book but I never watched the show - is it worth?
The... Shamily family???
You should reach out to the authors! I have no clue how they create their "new" section
Also, that CLI trick is crazy! Never knew that and I'm a fairly proficient shell user.
Anyone use authentik? Seems useful, most of my homelab services are unsecured ATM (just local only/vpn)
What do people have against the Mach kernel?