I don't understand why you'd buy this over the first party Steam Deck
Yeah, but what's the relative quality of responses? I feel like the bar for "tech savvy" or "competent at programming" has dropped precipitously. And unfortunately, the number of people confidently asserting a wrong answer online is high in my experience, including on programming forums.
Another really helpful tool is to use the fish shell instead of bash. It has tons of useful features, but my favorite is by far the autocomplete. It parses man pages to provide suggestions for flags, subcommands, even passed arguments, and each item in the results list has a description, and it's all searchable by hitting shift+tab.
That's what leveled up my cli game from 0-100. It's a massive difference in usability and discoverability. And unlike things like nushell, it's close enough to bash that you won't feel confused if you have to use bash instead.
I had that on a physical machine! It broke hardcore lol I had to reinstall the OS after trying to update
And I bought it last year! Just because it's been out for a while doesn't mean people aren't still discovering it. Especially true for a 2d, stylized game like Terraria where maxing out the performance and graphics isn't essential to make it competitive with newer games.
Actually, when I was in Paris in high school, I had the opposite experience - I kept trying to speak French (which I could speak conventionally after 6 years of study), and many people would refuse to answer me in French, instead answering me in English.
Original post with high res image, for those curious: https://old.reddit.com/r/hotsauce/comments/dgv26b/lined_up_all_my_hot_sauce_collection_on_the/
Swift: : Equatable
(assuming all the members of the struct are themselves equatable, if not the compiler will tell you to implement the ==
My best recommendation is a good git GUI. I really like Gitkraken (proprietary & freemium unfortunately, but a pretty generous free plan). I'm now more advanced than many of my coworkers because it helped me form an intuitive understanding of git.
DuckDuckGo has an app which can block trackers system-wide on Android
~~Game mechanics can't be patented, only game assets (character models, etc)~~ I'm wrong!
You could've made music out of ejecting/retracting those all at different times!
Would've actually been fantastic distributed systems practice, synchronizing all of those to tight tolerances of music across a network connection...