Hopefully the wings are being delivered soon so this vehicle can reach it's true potential.
An Ohio without Columbus is an Ohio I want to be a part of.
They've been paid multiple times to do it.
You are all is mostly shortened to y'all as well. This would be a very informal usage, and y'all should probably not be used in any professional correspondence.
Example: you are all basic would be y'all basic.
Dredge is so good. Played on the steamdeck and would highly recommend.
I just keep ending up with slushie covered plants in a cardboard box. I just want to experience the smell of napalm in the morning.
What happened on my Google drive was the local folder I had set to be Google drive and the virtual drive Google drive broke connectivity. I had 2 Google drive folders and since the local folder that was in my docs was the one that had a shortcut files placed in there stopped being uploaded. Luckily I caught this and migrated everything to the virtual drive but in my case it was an issue about files not uploading.
Wouldn't it be far more ideal for the electric oven to have a way of introducing moisture instead of requiring all the components for a separate fuel source?
That's a stool not a chair.
You're way off your baseline.
You joke but wasn't the sound of a zipper activating google home at one point?
Throw on a few water hammer arrestors from the hardware store, problem solved.