I think you're about to find out just how much people care lol
Oof I don't even want to know what kind of forever chemicals are leaching into the food in that pic...
I use it, I just tip way more than anyone else in my area tips. Mostly out of guilt, partially out of solidarity for the working person. I like to think my order at bumps that avg hourly rate up at bit.
Yep, and others do the exact opposite, insist on having a paper trail for everything in case some bullshit gets pinned on them.
Good indicator of their honesty level.
Game is so intense. I really like the way it does inventory though
This is nothing. Give it a couple months.
Prions are nightmare fuel... There aren't many circumstances where I'd consider suicide, but being diagnosed with a prion might be one of them... Just have to make sure to keep the brain in tact so they could study that shit.
No worries, in less than a month we won't need to worry about reading about so many FDA recalls anymore...
And stupid people in this country will see that as a win, as their neighbors die from preventable illness
That's a good point, masochists have a pretty big loophole to Golden Rule, don't they?
Do it