Tesla was always an unjustified bubble. Even after these losses it has a market cap of ~800B compared to Toyota at 295B. Despite Toyota selling 10.8 million vehicles to Teslas 1.8 million last year. Assuming similar profit per vehicle tesla should be worth ~50B, assuming 3 times the profit, tesla should still max out at ~150B. There's a long way to drop yet.
I'm going to need some context on that thought. A skim of his wiki doesn't mention mass firings or veteran's issues. Truman served and saw combat in WWI as an artillery captain. As president he desegregated the army and dropped nukes on Japan. He also oversaw the Berlin airlift and part of the Korean war of 1950-1953.
To clarify these "hybrids" are for organ transplant. This research was approved in 2019. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/japan-approves-first-human-animal-embryo-experiments/
And researchers have already started trialing transplant of humanized organs in very limited ways in just the last couple years. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pig-to-human-organ-transplants-will-finally-begin-clinical-trials-this-year/ https://www.science.org/content/article/here-s-how-scientists-pulled-first-pig-human-heart-transplant
It isn't that far from what some people have done. Perhaps reassessment every 5-10y but there are people in jail who do not and cannot fit in a civil society. Serial killers, child rapists, etc these people exist, you want to stick them in a mental institute instead fine but allowing them back into society isn't wise.
Down ~50% from it's record high, and down ~40% for the year. ~800Billion in market cap lost so far. There's progress but yeah a ways to go.
There are domino effects.
The NIH supports global research especially in the context of clinical trials. Already Germany and other European countries are having to increase defense spending which means budgets being squeezed elsewhere. There are also scientists moving out of the US to places with less anti intellectual tendencies like Germany. That means more competition for funding in Germany.
Just because there's no direct effects doesn't mean there are no effects.
Short answer, no. Long answer, nooooooo.
Really though AI is nowhere near the media hype as it currently exists. AI can help certain analysis or attempt predictions but it can't do experiments. Automated lab systems are expensive and finicky as hell and not cross compatible to the point that even industry doesn't use them too much. Academia supported primarily by NIH, getting gutted by Republicans so expect it to take even longer assuming this lab manages to stay funded and extant through this administration.
It's always extremist fundamentalists.
What movie?
That's my point, this is real world data, its all garbage, and no amount of LLM rehashing fixes that.
25th has to be voluntary or enacted by a majority of the cabinet.
An older small house 30+min from a smaller city with some fixing to do.
Previous crackhouses are more likely to be auctioned or sub 100k in all but the craziest areas.